Women are mote Art project – noun feminine at Sesc Belenzinho


Principal Georgette Fadel opens the event with the premiere of Guerrilla or to Earth there is Missing, It has Grace Passô dramaturgy

Figure 1 – Scene from the show Guerrilla or to Earth there is Missing that opens the event day 15 January at Sesc Belenzinho.

The project also includes tables of debates and workshops on all your schedules. In "Guerrilla…”, that opens the event, the reflections permeate such topics as Resistance, Guerrillas and poetic with guests Wlad Lima, Lucio Flávio Pinto, Sonia Shah, Roberta D ’ Alva Star, Irene Maestro, Georgette Fadel, Mary Tamm, Bern Reale and Grace Passô


From day 15 January women saw main focus the Sesc Belenzinho, in São Paulo. Shows, shows, intervention, debates and workshops will be presented in the project ART-Noun Feminine, always having as theme the issues of women in society and in the arts. The presentations begin in January and unfold until mid-April 2016.

The selected works bring relevant thematic and from different points of view about the feminine and the idea is to approach the woman in the arts both the content of the works – his fights in battles, within history and society-, as in the management and creation of jobs.

Guerrilheiras ou para a Terra não há Desaparecidos. Foto: Elisa Mendes.
Guerrilla or to Earth there is Missing. Photo: Elisa Marchetto.

Principal Georgette Fadel makes the opening of the event, on 15 January, with the premiere of the show, Guerrilla or to Earth there is Missing, It has Grace Passô dramaturgy. The play brings events of the Araguaia guerrilla, in the Amazon region in the period of 1967 to 1974. The armed conflict resulted in the deaths of many of the revolutionaries, Twelve of them women. Beyond the show, the cycle Guerrilla or to Earth there is Missing contains tables of debates and workshop they raise issues such as Resistance, Guerrillas and poetic. The issues will be discussed from the perspective of the theater and another area that will complement a vision beyond the theater, both under the female bias. For both, were invited artists, journalists, Fund managers and researchers to write about topics such as Wife and guerrilla warfare (Wlad Lima and Lúcio Flávio Pinto, Sonia mediation Sobral), Woman and resistance (Roberta D ’ Alva Star and Irene Maestro, mediation of Georgette Fadel) and Woman, Reality and poetic (Mary Tamm and Bern Reale, mediation of Grace Passô). The workshop Exercises of Opposite will be given by the Director Georgette Fadel.

The ART-Noun Feminine includes in its programming the presentation, in the days 19 to 21 February, of choreography BANANAS 15, the core Arteries, directed by Adriana Grechi. The dance company investigates, in this work, the construction of gender through the imaginary exploration and desires considered exclusively male. In addition to the sessions, the principal Minister a Workshop practice in which participants will have the chance to get in touch with the process of creating the show, experimenting with gestures, desires and behaviors that make up bodies considered masculine.

The Kiwi theatre company, with the general direction of Fernando Kinas, re-enacts the show Meat in the period of 26 of February to 6 March. The piece discusses the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism, showing the panorama of gender oppression and the special situation of violence against women in Brazil. The workshop Women and the silences of history will be provided by Fernanda Azevedo and Maysa Lepique.

A Brava. Foto: Fábio Hirata.
The Mad. Photo: Fábio Hirata.

The Angry Company, directed by Fabio Rezende, chose the story of Joan of Arc to propose a reflection on objectives, directions and preferences, and the attitude of the people against the consequences of those choices. In the show The Mad (from 11 to 20 March), the saga of the French heroine is shown so epic, If making use of features like the music, the interaction with the public, and references in popular culture and pop culture performing situations aggregate that exploit the drama and anarchic humor, to build parallels with the present day. Geared exclusively to women, the group will Minister the workshop The women in society whose objective is the critical analysis of certain aspects of social life, and the transformation of it, through theatrical language, scenic material.

The play I got pregnant, Pari Horses and learned to fly Without Wings!, of Cla The Crespos, do four performances in the project ART-Noun Feminine (from 31 March to 03 April). In scene, the privacy of five black women is caught when their emotional trajectories, allowing the public to enter their respective daily. They try to see and modify their destinations, like learning to fly caterpillars, revealing their fears, pain, loves and dreams.

Children's and youth theatre will have time and voice through The Present Orum, Do you know your capoeira collective (24 to 27 March). Directed by Johana Albuquerque and dramaturgy of Thaddeus Renato, the show part of the myth of Anastasia black, to present the story of four women, in different times and spaces and simultaneous. Their narratives expose, symbolically, the power behind the construction of genres.

On The Day 8 March, International women's day, There will be a debate with Fernanda Azevedo, the Kiwi theatre company, and Ron Talbot, with mediation of the Director and actress Lucia Romano.


From 15 to 31 January 2016, Friday and Saturday, at 9:30 pm, and Sundays, às 18h30
The show brings events of the Araguaia guerrilla, that occurred in 1967 to 1974, in the Amazon region. The armed conflict resulted in the deaths of many of the revolutionaries, being twelve women.

Direction: Georgette Fadel. Dramaturgy: Grace Passô. List: Carolina Virguez, Sara Antunes, Daniela Carmona, Mafalda Wee, Fernanda Haucke, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha.

Show room I. Duration: 1H10 minutes. Stocking: 80 places with access for people with disabilities

Tickets R$ 20,00 (entire); R$ 10,00 (retired, person with more than 60 years, person with disability, student and servant of the public school with proof); R$ 6,00 (worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and dependants accredited).

Tickets on sale at Sesc SP Portal (www.sescsp.org.br) from 05/01/2016, at 3:30 pm, and in the units, from 06/01/2016, at 5:30 pm:

Não recomendado para menores de 14 years

The cycle Guerrilla or to Earth there is missing presents three tables of debates that raise questions inherent in the creation of this project: Resistance, Guerrillas and poetic. All topics will be discussed from the perspective of the theater and another area that will complement a vision beyond the theater, both under the female perspective.

Day 14 January, Thursday, at 8:0 pm

At that meeting will be presented the topic "Guerrilla" from a larger context. Which female who fights and dies in recent conflicts in Northern region. Free. Free.

With Wlad Lima and Lúcio Flávio Pinto – Sonia Mediation Sobral
Wlad Lima an artist-researcher, actress, Director and set designer of theatre in the city of Belém do Pará. Post-PhD in cultural studies with the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Master's and doctoral degrees in performing arts at graduate-diploma in performing arts at the Federal University of Bahia. Is a professor at the Federal University of Pará degree in theatre and in the masters, academic and professional in the art of PPGArtes.

Lúcio Flávio Pinto, born in Santarém (PA), professional journalist since 1966. For his work in defense of truth and against the social injustices, received in Rome, in 1997, the award Colombe d'Oro per La Pace. In 2005 CPJ's annual award (Committee for Jornalists Protection), de Nova York, the complaints have made in defense of the Amazonia and human rights. It is formed from the Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (1973). Was visiting professor (1983/84) the Center for Latin American studies at the University of Florida in Gainesville, USA.

Sonia Shah is performing arts Manager (dance and theatre) there is 25 years. Manages the Center for performing arts of Itaú Cultural 17 years. The function involved the participation in the creation and management of multiple projects, among which are the Rumos Itaú Cultural Dança Rumos Itaú Cultural and.

Day 21 January 2016, Thursday, at 8:0 pm
As the female rises to resist, face and propose alternatives in the face of everyday violence. Free. Free.

With Roberta Estrela D'alva and Irene Maestro. Mediation: Georgette Fadel

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Roberta D ’ Alva Star born in Diadema, São Paulo, and holds a Bachelor's degree in performing arts from USP and a master's degree in communication and semiotics from PUC-SP. Is actress-MC, Director, Slammer and researcher. Founding member of the core evidence and the collective Bartholomew Front 3 February.

Irene Maestro is the militant Struggle Popular – territorial organization movement d @ s @ s worker who works on the outskirts of metropolitan regions of Brazil.

Georgette Fadel is actress graduated from the school of dramatic art EAD-ECA-USP. Director performing arts Department by ECA-USP.

Day 28 January 2016, Thursday, at 8:0 pm
The Bureau deals with the language of the show created from research on facts and real characters of brazilian political history, interpreted poetically to the scene. Free. Free.

With Maria Thais and Bern Reale – Mediation Grace Passô

Mary Tamm is the founder of the Cia Teatro Balagan. Professor of the Department of performing arts and the graduate program in Theater Arts from ECA/USP. Former Director (2007/10) the SUDS – Theater of the University of São Paulo.

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Bern Royal performs installations and performances. He studied art at the Federal University of Pará (Bethlehem, PA) and participated in numerous individual and collective exhibitions in Brazil and in Europe.

Grace Passô is Director, playwright and actress formed in the center of Clóvis Salgado Foundation Arts Education (Belo Horizonte/MG). Founder of the Group Beats!.

Days 27 and 28 January 2016, fourth and fifth, from 12:00 to 4:00 pm
The workshop will work all elements important to the relationship with the other on the scene happen. Will be used text snippets, scene games, listening exercises and body awareness. With: the actress and Director Georgette Fadel.

Public: Actors, dancers and performers with some experience. Registration until 21/01, through sending resume to: contracena@belenzinho.sescsp.org.br. The selected candidates will be notified by email to 23/01.
Vacancies: 20 / Load time: 8h
Show room I.
Free / Não recomendado para menores de 16 years.

Press Office of the show Guerrilla or to Earth there is Missing:
The craft Lyrics
Adriana Monteiro I Cris Santos

Phones: (11) 3021 9297 and (11)3022 2783

Days 19 to 21 February 2015, Friday and Saturday, at 8:00 pm and Sunday, às 17h
At work, the core Arteries investigates gender constructs through the imaginary exploration and desires considered exclusively male. The work exposes the reiteration of the gesture that formats and modulates bodies, creating volumes and ways to occupy and dominate territories. The show asks boundaries between genres, between spectator and performer, in a series of experiments triggered by the body's digestive system and their basic survival standards. A body that prevails, an invention of men that still shapes dominant presences.

Design/Direction: Adriana Grechi. Creation/Dance: Bruna Spoladore, Livia Sandhu and Nina Giovelli. Collaboration/internship: Luiza Mano Alves. Soundtrack: Dudu Tsuda. Lighting: André Boll. Production: Amaury Cacciacarro Son. Production assistance: Erika Fortunato
Show room II. Duration: 45 minutes
Tickets: R$ 20,00 (entire); R$ 10,00 (retired, person with more than 60 years, person with disability, student and servant of the public school with proof); R$ 6,00 (worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and dependants accredited).

Não recomendado para menores de 16 years

Days 16 and 17 February, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 14h to 18h
The participants of this workshop will be able to get in touch with the process of creating the show BANANAS 15 the core Arteries, experimenting with gestures, desires and behaviors that make up bodies considered masculine. Triggering the digestive system of the body and its basic survival standards, participants will explore visceral bodies, primitives and hungry that create specific ways to occupy, consume and dominate territories.

With Adriana Grechi. Load time: 8h
Public: interested in dance and performing arts in General.
Registration until 09 February, by way of sending brief resume to: oficinacriacao@belenzinho.sescsp.org.br
The selected candidates will be notified by e-mail until day 12 February.
Não recomendado para menores de 18 years

Adriana Grechi – Core Director Arteries. Graduated from College of new dance in Amsterdam (SNDO) in 1994. Was one of the founders of the Studio and company. New dance and is artistic director of the Contemporary Dance Festival of Sao Paulo (8 editions).

From 26 of February to 06 March 2016, Friday and Saturday, at 9:30 pm, and Sundays, às 18h30
The show discusses the relationship between patriarchy and capitalism, showing the panorama of gender oppression and the specific situation of violence against women in Brazil. The play, inspired by the documentary theater, is composed of 20 frames interconnected by two actresses and a percussionist. The Assembly includes actions "dramatic" and "narratives" in the form of short scenes, references to texts and Statistics analysis, Excerpts from novels, image projection, original compositions, quotes from traditional Songbook and BRAZILIAN POPULAR MUSIC. Lends itself material sciences (especially to sociology and history), popular arts, of philosophy and politics.

With Kiwi theatre company. General direction: Fernando Kinas. Screenplay: Fernanda Azevedo and Fernando Kinas. List: Fernanda Azevedo and Maria Dressler. Musical direction: Eduardo Contrera. Musical performance: Luciana Fernandes
*After the presentations, There will be discussions with the Group.
Show room I. Duration: 90 minutes
Tickets: R$ 20,00 (entire); R$ 10,00 (retired, person with more than 60 years, person with disability, student and servant of the public school with proof); R$ 6,00 (worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and dependants accredited).

Não recomendado para menores de 14 years.

Days 01 and 02 March 2015, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 14h to 19h
The workshop aims to, through theatrical stimuli, literary and audiovisual resources, discuss some tools necessary to ensure that women understand, assume the role and write their own stories – confident that can, from their personal experiences, broaden the debate about the oppression against women, passing private and intimate sphere to the public space.

Development: Discussion and improvisation from texts (literature and dramaturgy) to Elfried Jelinek (nobel prize for literature in 2004), Hilda Hilst, Cora Coralina, Carolina Maria de Jesus, Simone de Beauvoir, among others. Work from documentary material: substances and articles to newspapers and magazines, Statistics, texts of historians etc. Construction of its own history – theatrical exercises from testimonials and elaboration of a collective story. Memory exercises. Exercise-group dynamics. Improvisation and discussion from images (pictures and movies) related to the topic. Summary of the history of the struggles of women in Europe, USA and Brazil and contextualization of the role of women in art, with special focus to Latin-American production.

With Fernanda Azevedo and Maysa Lepique
Public: Adult young women, artists or not, interested in build and share your stories from artistic stimuli.

Registration until 26/02, through sending sending resume to: asmulheres@belenzinho.sescsp.org.br.
The selected candidates will be notified by email to 28/02.
Vacancies: 25 women / Load time: 10h
Show room I.
Free / Não recomendado para menores de 16 years.

From 11 to 20 March 2016, Friday and Saturday, at 8:0 pm, and Sundays and holidays, às 17h
Show inspired by the story of Joan of Arc which proposes a reflection on objectives, directions and options, and our position against the consequences of these choices.

This Assembly of the brave Company, the saga of the French heroine is shown so epic, using features such as the music, the interaction with the public, and references in popular culture and pop culture performing situations aggregate that exploit the drama and anarchic humor, to build parallels with the present day. The "voices" heard by Joan become symbols that can be interpreted as a belief in goals or the temerity to tread paths against pre-established standards by society.
Direction: Fabio Rezende / List: Rafaela Carneiro, Fabio Rezende, Mário Rodrigues and Ademir de Almeida / Scenario project: Mundane / Manufacturing Scenario: Márcio Rodrigues / Creation and production of Costumes: Jack painter and Karla Maria Steps / Production: Saad.
Square. Duration: 70 minutes
Free. Não recomendado para menores de 12 years.

Days 15 and 16 March 2016, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
In this formative activity the Group proposes sharing of some theoretical and practical tools used in its processes of study and creation in order to enter participants in an experiment that will comprise the critical analysis of certain aspects of social life, and the transformation of this analysis, through theatrical language, in scenic materials-scenes, interventions, music etc. Elements of technical Theatre repertoire built by Mad Company throughout his years of research will be discussed and investigated by means of scenic exercises, that will be a theme motto critical look at the issue of women in society.

Load time: 8(h) Vacancies: 30
Public: interested in theater (only women)
Não recomendado para menores de 16 years.

From 24 to 27 March 2016, Thursday, at 19h, and Saturday and Sunday, at 5:00 pm *
*Friday there will be no presentation
With the trigger element black myth Anastasia, the show presents the history of these four women, in different times and spaces and simultaneous. Their narratives expose, symbolically, the power behind the construction of genres. Quiet in your lines and bodies, These young people looking to build a voice to allow them to question and redefine its meaning their lives. The work aims to bring a version of the woman only as victim, but as be history, subject and object of these situations, bringing up stories of ordinary women, their experiences, experiences and struggles. A search for telling other narratives that go beyond hegemonic history imposing, in general, the male perspective, heteronormative, an adult, White, Urbana. It is by the power of questioning that we also believe in the power of theater geared for youth and culture afro as ethical and aesthetic triggers.

Direction: Johana Albuquerque. Dramaturgy: Thaddeus Renato. Do you know your capoeira with the collective
Show room I. Duration: 95 minutes
Tickets: R$ 20,00 (entire); R$ 10,00 (retired, person with more than 60 years, person with disability, student and servant of the public school with proof); R$ 6,00 (worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and dependants accredited).

Não recomendado para menores de 14 years.

From 31 March to 03 April 2016, Thursday to Saturday, at 9:30 pm, and Sundays, às 18h30
Cla The Crespos. In scene, the privacy of five black women is caught when their emotional trajectories, allowing the public to enter their respective daily. They try to see and modify their destinations, like learning to fly caterpillars, revealing their fears, pain, loves and dreams. The soundtrack, performed by a DJ, It also features songs composed to the characters.

Direction: Gamila Sergio and Sidney Santiago Kuanza. Actress: Gamila Sergio. Text: Cidinha da Silva. Dramaturgy: Cidinha da Silva and Frizzy. Creative collaboration of direction: Edouard's Birth. Actresses collaborators of the creation process: Dani Denies, Dani Ramirez, Darília Lilbé, Dirce Tan, Maria Dirce Couto, Nadia Bandyopadhyay. Art direction: Manhas Mascarenhas. Lighting: Edu Light. Soundtrack: Dani Denies.
Show room I. Duration: 60 minutes
Tickets: R$ 20,00 (entire); R$ 10,00 (retired, person with more than 60 years, person with disability, student and servant of the public school with proof); R$ 6,00 (worker of trade in goods, services and tourism at Sesc and dependants accredited).

Não recomendado para menores de 14 years.

Day 08 March, Tuesday, at 8:0 pm
With Fernanda Azevedo and Amelinha Teles – Mediation: Lucia Romano

The debate aims to discuss the issue of female leadership in the arts.
Show room I. Duration: 90 minutes
Free Não recomendado para menores de 12 years.

4 days of weekend in March (the set)

Photographic intervention arose from the photographic exhibition of artist Camila Fontenele de Miranda on the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. From there, opened up the possibility of adding one more strand to the project, When shooting the audience characterized as Frida Kahlo. This interference takes into account the real goals of bringing the public of the work of Frida Kahlo and debates about the connection of art, gender identity and social behavior.

Sesc Belenzinho
Address: Rua Padre Adelino, 1000
Belenzinho-São Paulo (SP
Phone: (11) 2076-9700

Parking lot
For performances with ticket sales:
R$ 11,00 (not enrolled);
R$ 5,50 (enrolled at SESC – worker in trade in goods, services and tourism/user).

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