Women Pioneers are the subject of guided tour on Saturday at the Municipal Cemetery


With the theme "Women Pioneering" researcher Clarissa Grassi will drive, in the morning on Saturday (10/3), guided tour in the Municipal Cemetery of Curitiba. The action marks the International Women's Day and the script in the necropolis will present the trajectory of women who played important roles in the history of Curitiba.

According to Clarissa, visitors will be introduced to the precursor of biographies from different areas. Names as the first black engineer in Brazil, Enedina Adam Marques, Fotograf Fany Wolk, Professor Maria Nicolas, feminist Marianna Coelho, medical Maria Falce, a poetisa Helena Kolody, the muse of Curitiba Didi Caillet that was one of the first women to drive a car through the streets among others.



Registration for the visit theme "Women Pioneers" opened on Monday (5/3). Those interested in participating in the tour this Saturday should send email to visitaguiada@smma.curitiba.pr.gov.br stating full name and ID number. The activity is free and the number of places is limited.

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Programming in March

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During this month will be held four more guided tours of the Municipal Cemetery. With the start of registration in 19/3, on 24 will visit the Standard and Guided, in honor of the anniversary of Curitiba, celebrated on 29, Guided Nocturnal three will be held with the theme "Curitiba Icons", in the days 29 (Thursday), 30 (Friday) and 31 (Saturday) respectively.

Personalities as entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, intellectuals and politicians who were responsible for the city's trajectory will be highlighted. "The night tour will present the personal trajectory of personalities as the entrepreneur and hero Serro Azul Baron, to milagreira Maria Bueno, entrepreneurs like Hugo Cini, Augustine Ermelino Lion Junior, the artist Alfredo Andersen, the poet Emiliano Pernetta, musicians Nho Belarmino and Nha Gabriela and historian Romario Martins, among others will form an immersion script to the past of our town ", He said Clarissa Grassi researcher. Registration for the Guided Tour Night open from 0h day 26/3 also via e-mail.

Service – Guided Visit to the Municipal Cemetery Francisco de Paula - themed "Women Pioneering"
Local: Municipal Cemetery São Francisco de Paula – Father John Square Sotto Maior, s/nº
Date: 10 March 2018, from 9am to 12pm
Inscriptions: Interested parties should send full name and ID number to the e-mail: visitaguiada@smma.curitiba.pr.gov.br
Free, limited availability
Schedule of guided tours this month:
24 March – Standard Guided visit - inscriptions from 19/3
29, 30 and 31 March – Guided Night Curitiba icons - inscriptions from 26/3

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