Collective art show: “is Art”

“is Art”


Collective exhibition in the arts
Cultural Centre “Martha Watts”

Following short presentation of shows art conference centre Cultural Martha Watts’, one of the most important sites linked to art and culture in the State of São Paulo.

Project summary


Aims to bring to the exhibition grounds located in living room Da Vinci on the premises of the Cultural Centre “Martha Watts” in Piracicaba – SP, "group show of art with various techniques as; sculptures, paintings and photography.

Provides for the installation of plastic arts exhibition with free theme, the creative process of the artist and their interaction and relationship with current events, the audience and the medium that surrounds.

The name of the show was taken from a statement by the artist Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), French painter and writer.

Uniting various techniques, brings knowledge to a layer of the population through the visualization of thematic works, enabling the creation of new access and visual artists and their representative works of contemporary art. With the participation of artists from various regions of the country, We have the presence of the following representatives of Piracicaba; Carlos Mendes, Lucia Ricobello, Margarete Zenero, Natal Gonçalves and Odair Demarchi.

The show has the support and is part of the programming of Centro Cultural Martha Watts, space that is among the most important in the State.

The intention of these shows is to provide the public with new creation and information platforms, Awakening and expanding further our understanding of current issues and the art produced in the country.





Art expressions.

Art show with works of 14 previously selected artists, participating with works in the proposal of shows and open theme.

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▪ Participating artists;

Carlos Mendes (Piracicaba) / Claudia Boranga (São Paulo) / Desiree Pinheiro (São Paulo) / Dircéa Mountfort (São Paulo) / Eliara Bevilacqua (São José do Rio Preto) / Fernando Naviskas (São Paulo) / João Diniz (Brasilia) / Lucia Ricobello (Piracicaba) / Marcos Silva (Maringá) / Maria Fernanda Almeida (São Carlos) / Margarete Zenero (Piracicaba) / Natal Gonçalves (Piracicaba) / Odair Demarchi (Piracicaba) / Regina Freitas (São Paulo)

▪ Curadoria: Carlos Augusto de Almeida.

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▪ Support: Center Cultural Martha Watts


is ArtCollective art show
Opening: Day 3 of July the 19hs00
Exhibition: Of the day 6 to 24 of July 2015.
Time: Monday-Friday, 09:00 to 17:00 hours.

Center Cultural Martha Watts
Boa Morte Street n° 1.257 Center
Piracicaba – SP
Entrance: free

Cultural Production: Carlos Augusto de Almeida
Tel: (11) 98363.5013


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