Shows: “CONSCIOUSNESS”, Collective exhibition of art


▪ Project Summary

Mostra "Consciência". Photo: Disclosure.
Shows “Consciousness”. Photo: Disclosure.

Aims to bring to the exhibition space of the library Mayor Prestes Maia, located in Santo Amaro, São Paulo, group exhibition of contemporary art with the participation of significant representatives of the visual arts from all over Brazil.

The exhibition will consist of works by previously selected artists, with works under the following techniques; painting, engraving, sculpture, objects and photography. The artists selected for the exhibition developed their works in accordance with the proposed theme. We reaffirm the importance of shows so important to be able to happen in the Library Mayor Prestes Maia, as well as the excellent exhibition grounds, has a popular theatre, enabling the visitation of a large number of people, of students from schools and universities, to the general public, thematic library goers in architecture, bringing visitors knowledge by viewing the exhibited works, In addition to democratize access to culture in a traditional space of Santo Amaro.


The intent of the show is to provide the public with new creation and information platforms, Awakening and expanding further our understanding on relevant issues, as the racial equality. Art is a universal language, that has no barriers of creed, color and ideologies, and so is comprised.

I pay my tribute, transcribing here the final stretch of his well-known speech “I have a dream”, one of the great names of the struggle against racial segregation, Martin Luther King.

“In all the mountains, heard the Liberty Bell.

And when this happens, When we allow the Liberty Bell sound, When we let him sound in every room and every village, in every State and in every city, We will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old negro spiritual:

Free at last, free at last”

▪ Participating artists: See Annex Invitation.

▪ Design and Curatorship: Carlos Augusto de Almeida.

Service: Shows: “CONSCIOUSNESS” 

Opens: Day 10 November 2015 the 9 a.m..
Meeting with artists and guests: Day 14 Nov, from 14 the 16 hs.
Closure: Day 30 November 2015 the 16 hs.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 17 hours

Saturdays, from 9 am to 16 hours

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Local: Av. João Dias, 822 – Santo Amaro – POSTAL CODE – 04724-001 – São Paulo, SP
Tel.: 11 5687-0513
Entrance: free

Cultural production and curating: Carlos Augusto de Almeida

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Support and realization:

Biblioteca Mayor Prestes Maia

How to get there:[googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ]

1 thought on “Shows: “CONSCIOUSNESS”, Collective exhibition of art”

  1. Dear friends, artist friends and family,
    We, artists, we are joined by the arts in general and it is through this that we do our part, uniting people of different faiths to unite for the welfare of humanity. We are all of the human race, we want to live in peace and be able to enjoy all dus created and offered us without distinguishing who. Let us unite our thinking towards a more understanding and respectful world for all good men. Come and prestigiem our exposure! Adina Worcman


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