Group show "Girls On Pop" begins on Wednesday in Sao Paulo


Curated by Erika Palomino exhibition at Gallery Houssein Jarouche brings together works that relate to the feminine universe

São Paulo, January 2020 – It begins on Wednesday in Sao Paulo to 19 horas na Galeria Houssein Jarouche a mostra de pop art “Girls on Pop”. Admission is free. Curated by Erika Palomino, the exhibition brings together work under the influence of the movement that somehow relate to the feminine.

The list of selected artists includes names such as Marina Abramovic, Rochelle Costi, Regina Silveira, Claudia Guimaraes, Lyz Parayzo, Liliane Porter, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Claudio Tozzi, Alex Katz, Moses Patrician, avaf, Fernando Zarif, Rubens Gerchman, Anna Bella Geiger, Robert Indiana and Rafael Carneiro.


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Works can be visited until 29 February.

Girls on Pop na Galeria Houssein Jarouche
Opening on Wednesday from 19 hours
Free Entry
Local: S. United States, 2109 - Jardim America, São Paulo (near the Metro Oscar Freire)
Opening time: from Tuesday to Friday from 10h to 19h and Saturday from 10h to 17h. The exhibition continues until day 29 February 2020.
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