Estacio de Sa monument receive unprecedented exposure “experiences” the Social Assistance Reference Center (MORROW) rosani Cunha


From August 1, the public can check for free the exhibition "Experiences" – the group of artisans of the Social Assistance Reference Center Rosani Cunha – at the Visitor Center Monument Estacio de Sa, in Flamengo Park. The display shows works with cross thematic, that will address women's empowerment, historical facts in the social sphere, individual experiences, among other issues.

"The goal of this attraction is to introduce locals and visitors – Tourists who are in our city – the power of cultural and artistic development through the involvement of people in our community through our Coexistence Service Project and Strengthening Links (SCFV) the Social Assistance Reference Center (MORROW)”, says Professor Elias Oliveira, responsible for the Visitor Center Estacio de Sa Monument.

The group of artists of CRAS Rosani Cunha is divided into three categories: from 6 to 9 years, from 10 to 14 years and 15 to 17 years, as well as several elderly. The Social Assistance Reference Center is a place of basic protection, facing the care of individuals who are in socially vulnerable, although, that have not yet broken social bonds and / or family.


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Through its Social Responsibility program in the pillar of Culture, Estacio is a partner of RIOTUR, It is responsible for curating the Visitor Center Estacio de Sa Monument.

Event – Exhibition "Experiences"
Location - Visitor Center Estacio de Sa Monument – Av. Infante Dom Henrique, s/n Subsolo – Flamengo Park
Date – of 1º of 15 August 2019
Time:from 9h to 17h
Free entry

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