MON promotes exhibition with 200 benches made by indigenous brazilians

The opening will be on the day 23 of June, in the room 6. Curated by Marisa Moreira Salles and Tomas Alvim. The BEĨ Collection was born from an aesthetic fascination with the beauty of shapes, colors, graphics and textures of Brazilian indigenous benches.


In the year it turns two decades old, the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON) promotes the exhibition “Indian Banks of Brazil”. The opening will be on the day 23 of June, in the room 6. Curated by Marisa Moreira Salles and Tomas Alvim.

The show brings together more than 200 banks, belonging to the BEĨ Collection, coming from 40 Amazonian ethnicities. divided into two parts, the first is dedicated to the extensive production of the Xingu Indigenous Land, located in Mato Grosso. The second part brings together other indigenous peoples from various parts of the Amazon, located in acre, Pará, Tocantins, Maranhão, Roraima, Amapá and Amazonas.

The exhibition It also has a bank of an ethnic group from Santa Catarina and six large images taken by photographer Rafael Costa, in the Xingu Indigenous Territory (TIX).


“To indigenous art, as well as asian and african, always inspired artists. Increasingly open and plural, the Oscar Niemeyer Museum brings together diverse cultures that, while talking, demonstrate their uniqueness and allow us an interesting view of the world”, says the director-president of MON, Julian Vosnik.

She comments that, holding the exhibition “Indigenous Banks of Brazil”, MON fulfills one of the main roles of a museum: to establish dialogues between cultures and territories through art. “If we think of native peoples as the first Brazilian designers, we can extend our gaze on the immense contribution of indigenous peoples in various aspects of culture”, says Juliana.

For the General Superintendent of Culture, Luciana Casagrande Pereira, with the exhibition, the museum adds another layer to its plural approach to the arts. “Establishing a bridge with native peoples through symbolic objects of their cultures is a gift for the general public that visits MON, this very important cultural institution in Paraná”, the firm.

The BEĨ Collection was born from an aesthetic fascination with the beauty of shapes, colors, graphics and textures of Brazilian indigenous benches. “His trajectory starts from enchantment for a deeper understanding of its meanings”, says Marisa Moreira Salles. “By approaching the art of native peoples with the realization of this grandiose exhibition, MON shows its vanguardism”.

DIALOGUE – The CEO of MON also says that there is an incredible coincidence between this exhibition and the arrival of the Poty Lazzarotto collection, officially incorporated into the Museum's collection in 29 March 2022 (Curitiba's birthday and date on which Poty's birthday would be). Among thousands of works, there are drawings of indigenous benches made by him, when he spent a season on the Xingu in the 1990s 1960. The drawings will be available to the visitor, simultaneously with the exhibition “Indigenous Banks of Brazil”, in a small clipping of the show, in the Museum's ground floor, near visitor exit. “Such affinity proves the permeability of art”, says Juliana.

ABOUT THE WORLD – The Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON) is a state heritage linked to the State Secretariat for Social Communication and Culture of Paraná. The institution houses important references of national and international artistic production in the areas of visual arts, architecture and design, in addition to great Asian and African collections. In total, The collection has approx. 14 thousand works of art, housed in a space greater than 35 1000 square meters of built area, being 17 thousand square meters of exhibition area, what makes MON the largest art museum in Latin America. The main sponsors of the institution, companies that believe in the transforming role of art and culture, are: Copel, Sanepar, Volvo Group Latin America, Vivo, Focus Group and Anaconda Mill.

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“Indigenous Banks of Brazil”

Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON)

Room 6

From 23 of June

Source: Paraná News Agency – AEN.

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