MNBA: Open for Works" with the leading role of blacks in art, day 26 Nov, 6St fair, at 3:0 pm


The protagonism of blacks in art is the focus of the day's meeting 26 November, Friday, at 3:0 pm, in another edition of the project “MNBA: Open for Work". On occasion, we will have the Lecture "Between professorship and captivity: Black teachers at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts”, by museologist and educator Reginaldo Tobias.

This conference aims to present the prominent role of black artists, who studied at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts (AIBA), still facing a slavery regime, briefly analyzing the trajectory of six artists who stood out as Academy students and reached the rank of Professors, as Tobias explains, who has been working for years at the National Museum of Fine Arts/Ibram.

In the context of an unequal society that practices a thriving structural racism, needless to say, how much these artists had to struggle to effectively have their talents assured, especially in spaces where blacks, as a rule, only appeared in subordinate positions..


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The following artists will be analyzed: Francisco Manoel Chaves Pinheiro (Rio de Janeiro, RJ- 1822 -Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1884), Estevão Roberto da Silva (Niterói, RJ, 1845- Rio de Janeiro, RJ – 1891-RJ), Leoncio da Costa Vieira (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1852 -Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1881), Firmino Monteiro (Rio de Janeiro, RJ- 1855 - Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, 1888), Antônio Rafael Pinto Bandeira (Niterói, RJ, 1863 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1896), Raphael Frederick (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1865 -Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 1934).

The event will be held exceptionally this Friday, from 3 pm to 4 pm, with places limited to 30 participants. Free registration via email only:

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