Women's Month: Tarsila do Amaral panel is reopened in CCSP


Painting "Procession" can be seen for free from the day 22 March

The City of São Paulo, through the Secretariat of Culture, reopens the painted panel oil “Procession” (1954), Tarsila do Amaral. The event will be held on 22 March, the CCSP and is being organized by the municipal secretary of culture, Alê Youssef, and the director of the São Paulo Cultural Center, Erika Palomino in the woman's month of context.

A monumental work, 2,52m by 7,04m of, will remain on display until the CCSP 5 May and highlights the exquisite restoration work carried out by the cultural center staff, initiative sponsored by the Art Conservation Program, do Bank of America Merril Lynch.


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Belonging to the Art Collection of the City of São Paulo (Old Town Art Gallery), under custody of the São Paulo Cultural Center, the work was part of the Historical Exhibition S. Paulo, held at Oca, in 1954.

| Centro Cultural São Paulo - Apartment Caio Graco. S. Vergueiro, 1.000, Paradise. Close to the metro station Vergueiro. Center. | tel. 3397-0001 and 3397-0002. Opening: day 22/3, 10h30. Even day 5/5. 3ª dom., from 10:00 to 10:00 pm. Free.

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