Memorial hosts Circuit on Arab Culture


From this weekend the Memorial of Curitiba receives the 1st edition of the Arab Cultural Circuit. lectures, cultural performances and exhibitions on Arabic culture, the event takes place on two weekends: in the days 04 and 05 and in the days 11 and 12 August. There are several attractions, all free and free rating.

Through art exhibitions and interaction among participants, the event aims to encourage and enhance the Arab traditions and also encourages the exchange of experience between old and new talents.

The stage of the Iguaçu Square will receive presentations from three major studios Arabic dance Curitiba, that are: Hathor studio, whose choreographer and dancer Linda Hathor is internationally awarded; Studio Lotus Flower, coordinated by Suzi Ribeiro; Kadosh and Art and Movement, under the guidance of Shara Kadosh. The dances dabke, khalije, shaabi, said, and belly dancing, dance with veils and swords, They will be displayed to the public.


As for the lectures will be held at the Teatro Londrina. To participate, interested parties must register on site. The topics covered will be: "Beauty and Charm of Arab Costumes", taught by Alessandra Amid; "Welcome to the United Arab Refugees', by Professor Mark Stier Calixto, "Habits and customs of Arab Culture '', by Professor Fouad El Gamal Oumairi and also the "Arabic Calligraphy Workshop", conducted by the Lebanese Moafak Mohamed Did Heilaihel.

The Memorial will still receive booths decorated with exposure costumes and accessories that make up the dress of the Arab peoples, show cooking and objects highlighting curiosities, customs and traditions of Arabic culture.

The project is a realization of Fatima Esper, with production Angela Meschino. The initiative is made possible through the Municipal Law of Incentive to Curitiba culture and has the incentive Ademilar.

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Programming Arab Circuit:

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04/08 (Saturday)
14h – Opening to visitors of the exhibitors
14h30 – Cultural presentation at the Iguaçu Square with Studio Kadosh
15h30 – Lecture (London Theatre) "The beauty and charm of Arab costumes', by Prof.. Alessandra Amid
17h – Closing for visitation

05/08 (Sunday)
10h- Opening to visitors of the exhibitors
10h – Cultural presentation at the Iguaçu Square with Studio Lotus
11h – Lecture (London Theatre) "Welcome to Arab refugees in the greater Curitiba", with prof. Calixto Marcos Stier
14h30 – Cultural presentation at the Iguaçu Square with Studio Lotus
15H10 – Lecture (London Theatre) "Habits and customs in Arab culture" with Prof.. Gamal Fouad El Oumairi
17h – Closing for visitation

11/08 (Saturday)
13h – Opening to visitors of the exhibitors
13h30 - Workshop and Arabic calligraphy lecture by Prof.. Moafak Mohamed after Helaihel
14h30 – Cultural presentation at the Iguaçu Square with Studio Kadosh
15h30 – Lecture (London Theatre) "The beauty and charm of Arab costumes', with prof. Alessandra Amid
17h – Closing for visitation

11/08 (Sunday)
10h – Opening to visitors of the exhibitors
1000 – Cultural presentation at the Iguaçu Square Studio with Hathor
1100 – Lecture (London Theatre) "Welcome to Arab refugees in the greater Curitiba", with Prof.. Calixto Marcos Stier
14h30 – Cultural presentation at the Iguaçu Square Studio with Hathor
15H10 – Lecture (London Theatre) "Habits and customs in Arab culture", with Prof.. Gamal Fouad El Oumairi
17h – Closing for visitation

Service: Arab Cultural circuit of Curitiba Memorial
Date: 04,05,11 and 12 August
Local: Memorial of Curitiba – Rua Claudino dos Santos, 79
More information:
98511-9934 (whatsapp) or by e-mail:
The complete program is available at: e no Facebook: circuit Arabic.
Free entry

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