Best of Bossa on Leila Diniz Culture Room


In honor of the actress Leila Diniz, Cultural Center was founded by the official press on 2011. Attached to the main building, space aims to promote various artistic events such as exhibitions, theater, musical performances and children's activities, all for free. The living room also opens its doors to the Apprentice program, who teaches music to hundreds of students of municipal public Niterói.

On Friday, 23 August, Leila Diniz space receives Best of Bossa Aline Legrand and John Marco Nascimento. The project, designed by opera singer and violinist, It brings a contemporary reinterpretation of classic acclaimed Bossa Nova. The double, which is based in Rio and its beauties, presents the 18 hours, the Culture Room. Admission is free.

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The Best of Bossa, Aline Legrand and John Marco Nascimento
Date: 23/08/2019
Time: 18h
Local: Culture room Leila Diniz

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