Mater Dolorosa by Elias Layon


Cedar wood sculpture measuring 90 cm high.

Golden by my helper Magnum Alexandre Soares.

Embodied and auctioned by me.


Glass eyes.

Crown of thorns and the nails of crucifixion, on the basis.

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Ode to the sculptor Elias Layon

The hand of the sculptor Elias Layon is at the service of the sensitivity. The block of wood, before tosco, as a miracle, If leaves have for forms created by its imaginative design.

The wood came to life. The images arise and generating a narrative in the eyes of the beholder. Appear well alone, now group. And in each character embodies a personal drama. Gestures, facial expressions, movements of garments and body twists accentuate the presence of a singular story. The artist creates the anatomy, making of bodies where the sacred history is installed. How to create the character insertion in the scenarios of his Ascension to the sacred reality.

The polychrome accentuates the beauty of the sculptures, expanding the intense interaction between color and gesture, taking viewers to an even more fascinating appreciation of the works. The polychrome scenarios and the interaction between the figures underscore the magicians of light and color effects of sculptures, creating an attractive and sensual texture. That's because the polychrome serves to emphasize the feelings embodied the characters. The color reveals his spiritual sense, While the movement and reveal the drama expressed in sculptures.

Sign forces the hands, of the feet, the eyes, in delicate twists now, now intense, are the consequence of the art of bending the wood to the invention of the sculptor. Makes us think in big movement present in the tradition of Baroque art.

Layon rescues a singular tradition, who knew how to unite the beauty of matter to the spiritual sense which translates in the form. The artist knows to take the Viewer to experience through the way the drama of his characters. Know also that the spiritual life stored in the artist's hands only wood can reveal.

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Jardel Dias Cavalcanti – Masters and Ph.d. in art history at UNICAMP.





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