BUT has virtual happy hour


relaxation to talk about art, culture and daily life

Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – BUT/SP, institution of the Department of Culture and Economy of the State of São Paulo Creative, starts its programming of LIVES, adapting to the current moment of isolation and social distance to stay in closer contact with your audience and with the people who make it a living and vibrant space.

On Thursdays, 17h30, artist-plastic Elisa Cue takes over the Instagram account of MAS / SP with #aovivonoMAS. These are meetings with a socio-cultural focus, where the institution's guests can talk in a more relaxed way about their preferences, stories and lines of connection and identification with the MAS / SP. A conversation between two smart people, cult, funny, willing to share their views on art, culture and life.


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The invitation to Elisa Cue, beyond the affection that permeates the relationship, also comes from the great success of Silence, in 2017, exhibited at the institution that collaborated with the start of the public renewal process of the MAS / SP, expanding its reach and scope, besides presenting record visitation results for the moment.

Your first meeting is with Antonio Lessa Garcia, lawyer, musician, plastic arts specialist who is responsible for coordinating the UPPM (Museum Heritage Preservation Unit) of the Secretary of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo.

Action: Elisa Cue & Antonio Lessa Garcia ” – #aovivonoMAS
Date: 04 June 2020
Days and Hours: always on Thursdays, at 5:30 pm
Guest: Antonio Lessa Garcia Junior
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
WebSite: www.museuartesacra.org.br
Instagram: www.instagram.com/museuartesacra
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MuseuArteSacra
Twitter: twitter.com/MuseuArteSacra
YouTube: www.youtube.com/MuseuArteSacra

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