MAS promotes Free Course: “The Science Of Jesuits”


The Museum of sacred art promotes, the Free Course: “The Science Of Jesuits” with Professor. Dimas da Cruz Oliveira.

General objective:

Since, in the XXI century threshold, many historians recognize the immense value of science practiced by priests of the Jesuit order, it is our intention to present a balance sheet of this contribution. We believe that this will be possible to correct a historical distortion arising from the Enlightenment philosophical movement, according to which the Catholic Church in general and the Jesuits in particular have hampered the progress of science a retrograde opposing point of view and entirely medieval to the modern point of view and advanced.


Specific Objectives:

– Reconstruct the situation in Europe, from a scientific point of view, at the beginning of the Middle Ages;
– Highlight the role of culture preserver exercised by the Catholic Church in the same period;
– Indicate the path followed by experimental science in monasteries;
– To show the importance of Aristotelian thought, adopted by the Catholic Church, the formation of scientific concepts;
– Explain, from a scientific point of view, the motto adopted by the Jesuit order: "To the greatest honor" [for the greater glory of God];
– Associate the greatest representatives of Jesuit science to the development of archeology, by geography, history, numismatics, architecture and art history;
– Associate the greatest representatives of Jesuit science to the development of chemistry, hydraulics, Physics, engineering, mathematics, astronomy, seismology and oceanography.

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history teachers, history of art and the Church; science teachers and philosophy; students of these courses, public facing historical and scientific studies in general.


Dimas da Cruz Oliveira, member of the Mineiro Triangle Academy of Letters, He graduated in History, author of several works on various topics, highlighting "Galileo", essay on the great Italian scientist, e “Einstein”, a study about the creator of the biography of Relativity. The teacher also contributes articles for the History of Reading Magazine, by Ed. Scale, having also given lectures at the Museum of Sacred Art of São Paulo.

Dates: 28 August, 04, 11 and 18 September 2018. (Tuesdays)
Time: From 19h00 to 21h30
Value: R$ 200,00 the view-R$ 250,00 (02 times)
Information: 11 – 5627.5393 - Fatima
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Metro Tiradentes
Free parking (or access alternative): Rua Jorge Miranda, 43
Parking subject to stocking.
At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.

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