#BUT – Coffee Theological features: “sacred Ivory: The reverse of the reverse” + Guided tour with the curator for the exhibition


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes the day 12 September 2018 Café Theological “sacred Ivory: The reverse of the reverse“, with the Prof. Dr. Jorge Lúzio, curator of the same name shows, displayed at the Museum. There will be a guided tour with the teacher Luzio, before the lecture, to 16 hours.

Since the links between the metropolis to their colonies to intracoloniais relations and intercoloniais, in all these situations was present ivory, a historical category that has an age-old route, since antiquity in Africa and Asia, to their movement in Europe. Although the term is agreed “ivory” for elephant tusks, the notch in mammalian teeth have remote sources, associated with ancestral cultures that produced objects for various purposes, from the prey. On routes interconnected realms and warehouses in Africa, or between commercialism circuits that made up the Mediterranean to the Indian, always ivory item as the most appreciated and valuable, By enabling unmatched plasticity and a visual effect whose accuracy in shapes and lines resulted in images and reproductions of expression never obtained another raw material.

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When: Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Time: from 17 at 19h (lecture and coffee)
Theme: sacred Ivory: The reverse of the reverse
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jorge Lúzio
Inscription: R$ 20,00 (students in regular courses MAS-SP do not pay)
Information: c / Fátima Paulino on the phone (11)5627-5393
Inscriptions: mfatima@museuartesacra.org.br
Number of vacancies: 50 places

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