Preceded by morning and afternoon seminar, signing happens
on 11 November at the book fair of Porto Alegre
“The duration engenders duration
and eyes and ears caleja
with the transience among reeds,
between fingers, between tits and eyelashes.
But all that is beautiful is ephemeral.
The eternal is tremendously ephemeral.”
(Maria Carpi)
The Saturday 11 November will be a day to celebrate the work of poet gaúcha Maria Carpi in the edition of 63 Book fair from Porto Alegre. Launching a new title with 95 unpublished poems, She will be the subject of a full-day seminar on the big cultural event of the city.
Curated by Caio Riter and Milene Barazzetti, The songs of poetry – life and work of Mary Carpi has open to 9:00 in the West Room of the Santander Cultural (Sete de Setembro, 1.028 -Praça da Alfândega), with free admission. Participate in the activity, In addition to the curators and the author, the teachers Maria Helena Campos (IFSUL), Cinara Ferreira Pavani (UFRGS), Marcia Ivana Lawrence (UFRGS) and Marcia Lehmann (UNISINOS); the poets Cristina Macedo, Maria do Carmo Campos and Dilan Camargo; the writer Roger Carhuatocto Barbieri and the associated ACT Álvaro Santi, Carlos Leser, Fabrício Carpi Nejar, Ashwini Dasgupta, Laís Tank and Sydney Schneider.
The seminar is an initiative of the Gaucho Association of writers and the author and professor patronável Caio Riter. "The ACT is honoring me through the book fair. Are teachers of three universities, other writers, in this event. It's very beautiful they analyse the work of Maria Carpi. It's an honor for me ", says the poet.
The programming will be crowned with the signing of All that is beautiful is ephemeral (Cloud model, 2017, 104 PGS., R$ 29,90) in the square of Autographs of the 63rd book fair. About the release of this title, the author tells us that it was a redemption of your son Klee. "He's enchanted by this book, out of the drawer, made a first post of work and referred to this Publisher. I'm betting the new publishing ", Maria account, adding that poetry does not explain, only if plays: "I can speak only on the condition in which I wrote the poems. I'm a poet theme, which is rare. I fall in love with a theme and core will unfold as if it were a musical score. I say I write because I don't sing, so all my vocation came to literature. But I practice the music by the rhythm and the melody of the text ".

Contemplating life, death, passage of time, choices and devotion, his verses the Ephemerality of glimpse, the generosity, of tears, the flowers, mature fruit point, of the flame, hot heat. "I'm dealing with the transience and the quest for permanence of things. And love because everything is very fleeting, very brief. I say if we hadn't left of paradise would not find rebuild it. I think all art is a search of paradise lost. The eternal search is because everything is very ephemeral. I have a fondness for things that are fleeting and quick, as the rose, I had to cut it, but she will be born again. And I make the plant the rose, Although she be ephemeral ", reports writer.
Maria Carpi, at the age of 78 years, not fear old age, Strangely offers your hand and your comfort. As it appears in your long-lived mature young, realizing that still have doubts, There's so much to discover in themselves. “Enter, since, girl in old age.”
It seems that also comfort your death always unpleasant role. “All died, alive going my way.”
In a paradoxical posture, Thanks to be cohesive and sincerity in one place, and not in pieces and cut sheets for everything these days. Being in the body may be the greatest feat of contemporaneity, no escape for avatars and virtual characters.
More about the author MARIA CARPI:
Born in in Guaporé 1939, She began writing poems in his teens, came to publish in an academic journal for the Faculty of law at UFRGS (completed in 1962). However, his debut in literature was only in 1990, with In General Pain (Ed. Movement), title snatched the prize of Revelation by the Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte (APCA) that year. With four Azoreans in the curriculum, being a finalist of a Tortoise, three times best book of the year in Poetry through the AGES, the writer has a long production, Although he began to publish late, at the age of 50 years.
63th Porto Alegre book fair
Saturday, 11/11, from 9:00 to 4:00 pm, in the West Room of the Santander Cultural (Sete de Setembro, 1028)
– curated by Caio Riter and Milene Barazzetti
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Saturday, 11/11, at 5:30 pm, in autograph Square ***
104 pages
Cover and graphic project: Camila Cornutti
Label Cloud model – Ed. Beautiful Lyrics
Caxias do Sul | Porto Alegre, 2017
Value: R$ 29,90
*** Books will be available on newsstands of Beautiful Lyrics (right across from the Street from the beach), at the fair, or at the booth of the works to be signed, next to the Flag.