Marcia Loretti – "Rescuing the art of living for art" by Edmundo Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Self-taught artist, Member of the AAPP-Association of visual artists of Petrópolis, Teacher, Apaeana – member of the Board of Directors gives APAE – Areal RJ, Art therapist, Analyst – member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Field forums-Diagonal Network Brazil-Petropolis RJ Forum/member of the IF-the SPFLF, Curated By, Creator of the Ponto de Cultura House of Arts-Rescuing the art of living, Paintings on canvas, prizes, exhibitions inside and outside the country, paintings in panels, tissues, recycled material, work with restoration. Very good your interview. Congratulations!!! Very good your nice work.


Marcia Loretti é Artista Plástica.
Marcia Loretti is Artist.

Where did you born? And what is your academic training?


I am self-taught, I was born in Petrópolis, RJ.

How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?

Since I was a kid, I've always been involved with artistic activities at home and at school, drew looking something, theater, dance, I wrote some stuff…

How did you find this gift?

I had some 13 years old and was in a library drawing on cardboard the Tiradentes for a school project, passed a woman looked at my drawing and said: -Our… How beautiful! I would so love to have this gift! I was looking at it and thought… You don't do? I think from there I understood that wasn't so common as I thought, I thought everyone could do what I did.

What are your main influences?

All the artists of art history had influence and have each with the characteristic of your form, color, light… I'm always learning and of course the artists who met in this trajectory.

Arte 1.

Arte 8.

What materials do you use in your works?

Canvas, wood, Acrylic, oil paint, Acrylic mass, cloth, pó xadrez, Glue…

What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

People: conversations, behaviors, comments, looks, the wind, the light, flowers the colors… The life!

Arte 3.

Arte 7.

When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

In 1999.

Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

The Artist Martha Bulgarelli, Walter Berner, Vitor Lemos… All that passed and pass by me, each of the artists that I leave something good…

Arte 4.

Arte 5.

What does art mean to you? If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning of Arts in your life…

Balance! Lucidity.



What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perceptions about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

Painting, photography, collage and literature.

Arte 2.

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Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

I had some very important artists in my life that went through me and told me important things, but I think that this road is a little lonely…

You have another activity beyond art? You give lessons, lectures etc.?

I'm art therapist, psychoanalyst, Professor.

Arte 6.

Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards?

Plastic arts exhibition at the Galleria La Pigna Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani Rome – UCAI "when PEOPLE are" three Italian-Brazilian Anthologies. 2010. The two works remain in the country – Rome / Italy;

Silver Medal – Six Artistic Salons – Brazil & Spain / Rio de Janeiro- 2001;

Bronze Medal – VIII Salon of plastic arts from ADESG / Rio de Janeiro- 2010;

Silver palette ALAP-III national Salon of Plastic Arts of the National Defence League / Rio de Janeiro- 2010.

Marcia Loretti.

Your plans for the future.

"Do the Union between art and psychoanalysis in a project linked to Mental health."

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