MAR performs debate on challenges of museums in international seminar


26, 27 and 28 July

The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, held the International Seminar - Museum Challenges in the XXI century, What happens in the days 26, 27 and 28 July. Bringing together practitioners and researchers from various fields, the seminar promotes an interdisciplinary meeting to discuss how the museums and cultural institutions respond to contemporary issues, as diversity, representativeness, restructuring processes of experimentation and knowledge production, light of new technologies and cultural democracy.

at the meeting, participants will be asked to build, imagine and promote sociability strategies from clashes between knowledge, activation modes and movement of cultural experiences. Admission is free and to participate, just sign up for the SEA site:


Complete schedule

26/7 (Thursday)

14at 15.40 h: conversation circle: Museums and their audiences
Museums should be aware and connected with its public. Understand the different points of view, the historical processes that made us get here and the different cultural experiences. As a social space that deals with the symbolic universe, the museum can be a territory which contributes to the debate and to identify prospects to combat violence, discrimination and prejudice.

Marilia Bonas | Resistance SP Memorial
It's Memorial Coordinator of Resistance of Sao Paulo. He was executive director of the Immigration Museum and Coffee Museum. It is master of social museology the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology of Lisbon.

Renata Bittencourt | IBRAM
Director of the Department of museological processes the Brazilian Institute of Museums IBRAM. PhD in Art History from the State University of Campinas. Was responsible for managing the Cultural Training Unit of the Department of São Paulo State Culture where focus programs as Guri, Culture factories, Conservatory of Tatuí, SP drama school, among others. It was manager of Itaú Cultural Education Center between 2002 and 2012. Foi fellow Folbright no Smithsonian.

Mediator: Janaina Melo | Education Manager of the Rio Art Museum

16at 17:40 h: conversation circle – Network Culture
This wheel conversation you want to see how the network culture can contribute to the advent of sociability strategies, artistic practices, collaborative and production.

Ivana Bentes | ECO UFRJ

Director of the School of Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - ECO / UFRJ. PhD in Communication at UFRJ (1997). Associate Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication at UFRJ. He was also director of the UFRJ School of Communication 2006 to 2013. It has experience in the area of ​​Communication, with emphasis in Communication Theory, acting on the following subjects: aesthetics, Communication, audiovisual, cinema, social imagination and contemporary thought, digital culture. Currently he is dedicated to two research fields: Communication aesthetic, New Theoretical Models in Cognitive Capitalism (CNPQ) and peripheries Global: image production in peripheral capitalism. Is Digital Culture Jetty coordinator of the ECO / UFRJ. It curator in the field of art and media, cinema, audiovisual.

Mediator - Amanda Good | SEA Coordinator Curator

1819.30 h: Conference

George Yudice | University of Miami USA
He is a professor of the Department of Modern Languages ​​and Cultures of Lationoamericanos Studies Program at the University of Maiami. He has a PhD in Languages ​​and Literatures Romantic Princeton University and also attended PhD in Sociolinguistics Graduate Center at the University of New York. Directs the Miami Observatory at Florida International University. He specialized in research of new aesthetic phenomena of the digital age, its economic and social uses of culture, especially the cultural and creative industry, the cultural impact of new migration and culture of Central America. He is the author, among other titles, from: Vicente Huidobro and motivation of poetic language (Buenos Aires: Galerna, 1978); On Edge: The Crisis of Contemporary Latin American Culture, com Jean Franco and Juan Flores (University of Minnesota Press, 1992), cultural policy (Gedisa, 2004); The appeal of culture: The uses of culture in the global era (Gedisa, 2003); New technologies, music and experience (Gedisa, 2007) among other titles.

27/7 (Friday)

14at 15.40 h: conversation circle – Museums, technology and digital culture

New strategies of communication and production culture provoke the emergence of new subjectivities, this conversation wheel, It wants to see how the art practices, education and equity respond to these challenges of the present time in the context of cultural institutions.

Edméia Santos | Faculty of Education UFRRJ
Pedagogue by UCSAL, Master and PhD in Education from UFBA. Post-doctorate in e-learning and distance education by UAB-EN. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education of UERJ. It operates in proped - Program of Graduate Studies in Education. Research line: "Cotidianos, educational networks and cultural processes ". Leader GPDOC - Research Group Teaching and Cyberculture. Member of the Imaging Laboratory of UERJ. Member of GT 16 "Education and communication" ANPED and ABCiber - Researchers Association Cyberculture. It operates in initial and continuing training of teachers and researchers. Areas of Practice: education and cyberculture, training of teachers and researchers, information technology in education, online education, EAD, curriculum, didacticism, research and teaching practices.

Myrian Sepúlveda dos Santos | Afrodigital RJ and UERJ Museum

She is associate professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Research Group Coordinator Art, Culture and Power and Afrodigital River Museum. He has a doctorate in Sociology, pela New School for Social Research; MA in Sociology from the University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ); and a BA in History, Universidade Federal Fluminense. He was a visiting professor at IUPERJ and Theory, Culture and Society Center, da Nottingham Trent University. Developed research in postdoctoral studies at the Latin American Studies Center (University of Cambridge); Research Center on Social Relations (University of Paris V), and the Center for Social Studies (Coimbra University). His area of ​​research is the sociology of culture. He has published articles and books on memory and identity; cultural practices and policies; social theory; museums; carnival; race relations; and prisons. His most recent publications are basements of the Republic (Rio de Janeiro, EDUERJ / Garamond, 2009); Collective Memory and Social Theory (European Union, Press University of Coimbra, 2012, reissue) and Collective Memory and National Identity (São Paulo, Editora Annablume, prelo). It is currently developing a research on memory and trauma in the former prison of the Big Island.

Mediation: Maria Clara Boing | Coordinator of CCBB-RJ Education

16at 17:40 h: conversation circle – Education as a practice of creation / Creation and education practice

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This wheel conversation would focus on education as a practice that can not be oblivious to the concrete conditions of the time-space that gives, and, at the same time, It has to do primarily with creative processes and ways of being and practice the world.

Bruno Vilela | Creative area, MG
Artist and educator winner of the First Prize Select Education is the mastermind of the Creative area it is a construction project with a place to meet, production, training, exchange and cultural experimentation in the artistic and social fields.

Maria Fernandes Carlos Oliveira | Cultural Community Association Major Sales, RN
Woman, backlands, Professor, Bench repentista in string literature storyteller. Graduated in Letters, Retired professor of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte in the chair of Children and Youth Literature and Brazilian Literature. Currently president of the Cultural Community Partner Association of Major Sales – Blip Cultural Tear Culture Major Sales.

Mediator: Natália Nichols | Educator Project MAR

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1819.30 h: Conference

Ricardo Rubiales | Museologist and educator Mexico

It educator and museum professional with extensive experience in the field of museum education. He worked the leading museums in the areas of education as: Papalote Children's Museum, Museum of Science and Technology Veracruz, National Museum of Art in Mexico, University Museum of Science and Art UNAM and the University Museum of Art Conteporânea, Papalote Cuernavaca and the Fine Arts Palace Museum, among others.

28/7 (Saturday)

11h to 12:30: Conference

Alemberg Quindins | Casa Grande Foundation EC Brazil

It musician, researcher and cultural producer, married, two sons. She was born and lives in Crato (EC). Created the Casa Grande Foundation, a reference school education in the hinterland Cariri that transforms children and young people in cultural managers protagonists of his stories.

14at 15.40 h: conversation circle | Museums for Diversity

Museums are not things of the past. Museums are public spaces where this happens. This conversation wheel covers cultures, in all its diversity, and how museums are inscribed in society's discussions in public life

CIDA Vieira | Museum of Sex and Hookers MG
President of the Association of Prostitutes of Minas Gerais (Aprosmig) and creator and founder of the Museum of Sex and Hookers. The Museum emerges from the meetings between prostitutes, artists and the city of Belo Horizonte. Welcomes artists in residence program and overflows its physical location with the occupation of the Guaicurus area in the city center with works of different languages ​​among: video, performance, photography, charcoal, radio and other novel.

José Eduardo Ferreira Santos | Collection of the slab BA
Graduated in Education from Catholic University of Salvador, master's degree in psychology from the Federal University of Bahia and doctorate in Public Health from the Federal University of Bahia. Since 2011 organizes and conducts the curator of the Collection of the slab, cultural and artistic space that works with the memory of the suburbs through the works of its artists and residents, getting visitation of thousands, taking part in space 3 Biennial of Bahia and 31 Bienal de São Paulo. In the Collection of the slab also conducts exhibitions, workshops from various artistic languages ​​and aesthetic, seeking to be a space of reinterpretation of developmental trajectories of outlying areas and people in situations of vulnerability through art. In this sense the work of the Collection of the slab is constituted as a permanent and longitudinal space research and social intervention.

Maria da penha | Museum of RJ Removals
Born in the state of Paraiba, He came to Rio de Janeiro straight to the Rocinha favela with 7 years, where he lived until the 27 years; moving to Jacarepagua in the Vila Autódromo community where he lives to this day. He saw his life being turned inside out and, with your community, He witnessed for more than two decades the threat of removal to make way for real estate speculation. Not accepting the pressures and threats the government continued to fight for their rights to housing and the right to the city, becoming a community leader. Dona Penha with the residents advocating a removal by the city, It was assaulted during a clash with riot troops and had his nose broken. His house demolished on 8 March 2015, International Women's day and with nowhere to go, He had to go with the family into the community of the Catholic Church; the day his house was demolished, Dona Penha was honored as a citizen in Alerj woman chosen by state Rep Nurse Rejane. Dona Penha received his home in exchange for keys and what remained of his urban community on 29 th July 2016 where currently resides.

Mediator: Pamela Carvalho | Tide RJ Arts Center

16at 17:40 h: conversation circle | Museums and cultural democracy

This wheel conversations aims to investigate and discuss issues from democracy, models of representation and political articulation between art, education and museums. You can be in the museum space to imagine and promote new democratic sociability strategies?

Hugo Menezes Neto | UFPe
Professor of Anthropology and Museum Studies (DAM) and the Graduate Program in Anthropology (PPGA) the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPe). PhD in Anthropology at the Graduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology, the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGSA/IFCS/UFRJ). Master in Anthropology (PPGA / UFPE). Is dedicated to research on topics related to popular culture, Heritage, and also the Urban Anthropology (with an emphasis on urban violence); still dedicated to the relationship between anthropology and museology thinking museums and cities, affective heritage and family collections, and material culture.

Pablo Lafuente | CCBB-RJ
Writer, researcher and curator, interested in cultural and pedagogical processes of collaborative nature. He was a member of the curatorial team of the 31th Bienal de São Paulo (com Galit Eilat, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Luiza Proença, Charles Esche, Oren Sagiv e Benjamin Seroussi) and the curator of "The Single Form" in Secession, Vienna, also in 2014. Afterall was editor and book series Exhibition Histories, and Reader at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, where he created, com Lucy Steeds, the MRes Art course: Exhibition Studies. Foi Associate Curator na Office for Contemporary Art Norway de 2008 until 2013, and co-curator of the official representation of Norway in the Biennale di Venezia 2011 (Marta Kuzma and Peter Osborne) and 2013 (Marta Kuzma and Angela Vettese). Recently exposure was cocurator “Dja Guata Porã: River Indigenous Janeiro " (Sandra Benites, Clarissa Diniz and José Bessa, 2017–18) the SEA and is currently coordinator of the Educational Program CCBB - Art and Education in Rio de Janeiro.

Mediator: Bruna Camargos | Educator Project Rio Art Museum

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