Sea of Cultures makes tribute to Gonzaguinha and takes guests to talk about one of the great masters of MPB


Sea of Cultures makes tribute to Gonzaguinha and takes guests to talk
on one of the great masters of MPB

The month in which the artist would complete 70 years, Globe project revives another song name
the brazilian day 17, in Copacabana, a partir the 19h

Daniel George. Photo Credit: Wilton Montenegro.
Daniel George. Photo Credit: Wilton Montenegro.

Son of "King of baião", Gonzaguinha since small already heard the songs of Lupicínio Rodrigues, T. Rex and your father Luiz Gonzaga. At the age of 14 years, the artist wrote your first composition, Memories of spring, and also Party and From u.s. of Piauí -recorded by your father in 1967. To talk about the early and rapid career of singer-dead at the age of 45 years-, the sea of cultures – Music invites for a chat on the day 17 September, Thursday, the Director Breno Silveira, the writer Regina Echeverria and the musicians Fagner, Daniel George, Wagner and India Tiso. The meeting takes place at 7:00 pm, in the Kiosk of the Globe, in Copacabana.


Mediator of the talk, Breno Silveira directed the film Gonzaga-from father to son, long inspired by the biography of Luiz Gonzaga and Gonzaguinha. After entering in national circuit 2011, the production turned animated series of four chapters still displayed by the Globe. Regina Echeverria, journalist and writer specializing in biographies, wrote about many characters of brazilian history, among them the trajectory of Gonzaguinha.

Breno Silveira. Photo Credit: Conspires.
Breno Silveira. Photo Credit: Conspires.

Son of honored, Daniel George follows in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and shows in his presentations that inherited personality and musical style of your family. Friend of Gonzaguinha, the singer Raimundo Fagner received as a gift the music Warrior boy -A man cries and also recorded Lone Ranger, Forró do gonzagão, Laziness, Miss and Wait for me, brunette. Between a story and another, the hit songs will be remembered by Gonzaguinha Wagner Tiso, He did several works with the artist, and your daughter, India Tiso-singer, cultural producer and composer.

In celebration of 450 years of Rio, until the end of 2015, the locals that represent the city will be honored each month in the sea of Cultures-Music. In the first edition, that happened in June, the project addressed the trajectory of the singer and composer Noel Rosa. Renato Russo was honored July Tim Maia the August.


Sea of Cultures-Music
Honored: Gonzaguinha
Date: 17 September, Thursday
Time: 19h
Local: Globe kiosk, in Copacabana (height of Muthiah)
Guests: Breno Silveira (mediator), Fagner, Regina Echeverria, Daniel George, Wagner and India Tiso

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