MAR open shows of Marcos Chaves and collectives São Paulo by Adriane Constante


MAR open shows of Marcos Chaves and collectives São Paulo
by Adriane Constante

Tuesday (27), às 10h, Rio Art Museum - MAR opens to the public exposures Landscapes unseen, individual Marcos Chaves, and Arid Zone Poetry, bringing together 55 collective works with operations in São Paulo and belong to the collection SEA.

Landscapes unseen - Marcos ChavesKicking off the celebrations by 450 years of Rio de Janeiro, Rio Art Museum - SEA presents the audience an unusual view of the city from the artist look Marcos Chaves. Landscapes unseen gathers, between photos and videos, over a range of 30 works (some unpublished) produced from 1990 and, together, investigate urbanity and nature in a contemporary prism. Between humor, the irony and tragedy, the papers have been published landscape, everyday, culture and social and economic aspects in a sort of visual chronicle.


Already Arid Zone Poetry traces the intense role of activism made by art from the years 2000, with the participation of active collective in Sao Paulo. Are 55 works, between videos, photographs, engravings, interventions and performances that belong to the collection SEA and part of the Collective Creativity Fund / Donation Funarte, formed by the 6th edition of Visual Arts Award Marcantonio Vilaca.

Arid Zone PoetryTo mark the opening of the samples, place two Gallery Conversations. 15h, members of groups that make up Arid Poetry Zone and Daniel Lima and Tulio Tavares curators talk with the public. 18h will be the turn of Marcos Chaves and curator Ligia Caongia participate chat with visitors. The exhibits are on display until 31 de Mayo.

Collective Arid Zone Poetry: Front 3 February, Bijari, Contrafilé, New Folder, Collective skeleton, Cia Puppy, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, GUINEA PIG, EIA, Politics of the Impossible, Ocupeacidade, Joker space, Collectors Stories, Mico, Dragon and Elephant Print.


The Museu de Arte do Rio

The MAR is a space dedicated to art and visual culture. Installed in Praca Maua, occupies two adjacent buildings: an older, lying and eclectic style, which houses the exhibition hall; another younger, Modernist, Look where the school's work. The architectural design unites the two buildings with a fluid concrete cover, which refers to a wave - a trademark of the Museum -, and a ramp, where visitors come to the exhibition spaces.

O MAR, an initiative of City of Rio in partnership with Roberto Marinho Foundation, have activities that involve collecting, registration, search, preservation and return of cultural property to the community. Proactive support space education and culture, the Museum was born with a school - the School Look -, whose proposal is innovative museological: foster the development of an educational program of reference for actions in Brazil and abroad, combining art and education from the curatorial program that guides the institution.

The Museum has Grupo Globo, to Voucher and the Itaú master as sponsors and support State Government of Rio de Janeiro e do Ministry of Culture, by Federal Law for Promotion of Culture. The management is left to the Instituto Odeon, a private association, nonprofit, whose mission is to promote citizenship and the social and educational development through realization of cultural projects.


Service MAR - Museu de Arte do Rio

Entrance: R$ 8 | R$ 4 (half price) - People with up 21 years, private school students, university, disabled people and public servants of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Payment by cash or card (Visa or Mastercard).

Policy free: Do not pay admission - on presentation of Proof Documentation - public school students (teaching elementary and middle), children up to five years or people from 60, public school teachers, employees of museums, groups in situations of social vulnerability educational visit, MAR neighbors and tour guides. Tuesdays admission is free to the general public. Until December 2014 also have professional gratuity Fire Department, Military Police, Municipal da Guarda (GM / Rio) and the Municipal Public Order (SEOP).

Special visitation schedule in the summer: Tuesdays, from 10h to 19h. From Wednesday to Sunday, das 10h às 17h. On Mondays the museum closes to the public. For more info, contact by phone (55 21) 3031-2741 or visit


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