Luis Carrasco Octavio Valdez

Work of art by Luis Carrasco Octavio Valdez
Luis Carrasco Octavio Valdez is a Visual Artist.

Luis Carrasco Octavio Valdez

I am 35 years old, and was born in Mazatlan Mexico.

I currently live in Ciudad Obregón in Sonora Mexico, and I am Computer Technician and Graphic Design and all my projects are created in Adobe Photoshop CS6.


I started to believe in my art one year ago. I like to create more natural landscapes as I feel a strong connection to the naturalesa. When I am creating, is a way to escape from this physical reality that helps to keep me mentally at peace.

I always felt that everything I think comes from my inner being and is what inspires me to create environment landscape. About the artworks that more impressed me, by most all are special to me, but would have to describe one that impressed me most is Traveling light.

I just think at times I turn on the time of night when there is more silence that helps me focus better, at creating my artworks. My advice for the beginners, if they want to create something, that always seek inspiration within your inner self.


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Ciudad ObregónMexico

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