Lordello and Gobbi - Auction March - Almandrade



Days 27 and 28 March 2018
Tuesday and Wednesday
The From 21h



Days 22 to 26 March
(to Quinta Monday)
From 11h to 18h

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experimentalist assumed, Almandrade is committed to the research of artistic languages ​​involving art, poetry and geometry. In the course of the artist there is the passage through the concreteness and conceptual art, in the years 70, which strongly contributed to the relentless pursuit of a singular language, clean, synthetic chart vocabulary. According to the art critic and poet concrete, Décio Pignatari, "The Almandrade fancies thumbnails of your creatures, whose nakedness implies silence, clear scouring the artistic eye, tired of fantastic art history of this endless century, this infinite millennium. ” (Pignatari, D. 1995).

Lordello and Gobbi – Art Office
Rua Peixoto Gomide, 2020 – JD. Paulistano – São Paulo, 01409-000
Phone : (11) 3088-1632 | (11) 3081-6439


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