Book brings social issues with the power of words


Through poetry, the book "The black color of the words" brings verses that highlight social issues, trying to reveal, through the blackness, the power of language and the voice of a race that was so overwhelmed. Published by the publisher Penalux, Alexandra Vieira de Almeida writer's work seeks to make a read on the symbols that permeate the black and white colors, revealing that one complements the other, in their symbiosis and, at the same time, differences.

According to the author, the book provides a reflection on the blackness of a people, discussing issues of a marginalized class and suffered life. The verses also seek to talk about how blacks and whites are completed, an analogy made by the author. The writer also plays using the black ink and white paper to contextualize the differences and similarities of each.

For professor emeritus of UFRJ and member of the Brazilian Academy Letters Antonio Carlos Secchin, signing the back cover, the writer avoids "panfletarismo". para Secchin, the speech sounds creased by social demand, It is on another plane, intense subjectivity, that best performs. "Through strong images, in the exclusive management of free verse, or blackness to work crosses toda, present in 10 titles of poems and numerous incidents over the verses ".


According to the poet, architect and art historian Nuno Rau, responsible for postscript, the work presents the black color as well as a symbol of melancholy, is present over the black bile, citada em um dos versos. For him, the author builds the book from a landscape of meanings, extracting the night the driving force for his poetry, "Emanating from a light black solid in which stages in a light writing pain".

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About the author

Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Alexandra Vieira de Almeida is a teacher, poet, storyteller, chronicler, reviewer and essayist, besides being PhD in Comparative Literature from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Published six books of poetry adult, the first being "40 poems" and the latest "The black color of the words". It also has an essay book, "Literature, myth and national identity " (2008), and a children, for children 6 to 10 years, "Xandrinha in: open garden " (Penalux, 2017).

Book: The black color of the words
Publisher: Penalux
Size: 14×21 cm
Pages: 102
Price: R$ 38,00
Link to buy:
personal website:

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