Book shows how to deal with challenging children

Livro ”Crianças Desafiadoras”, capa. Divulgação.
Book "Children Challenging", cover. Disclosure.

In order to show how it is possible to win the Oppositional-Defiant Disorder, child neurologist Clay Brites and psycho Luciana Brites launch the book "Challenging Children". The proposal is to present the best strategies to end the war at home.

The neurologist said that the TOD, usually, It is associated with the tantrum or confused as just "no limits" in children and adolescents. "This causes suffering parents, because they can not understand why the child's attitudes and do not know that the disorder is beyond the person's control ".

He also comments that it is possible to identify some characteristics observing attitudes on a daily basis. For example, disobedience, the constant confusion that involves, it is aggressive, violent and has a harsh way of dealing with people, demonstrates difficulty in social interaction. "These factors are evidence that it is possible that the child has Oppositional-Defiant Disorder".


The educational psychologist Luciana Brites reinforces that only parents and caregivers know the desire not to be creating a child the right way. "Many are frustrated with the difficulties they face in the house".

– The book will serve to clarify all your doubts and to differentiate what is a simple tantrum TOD. In positive case, parents will also learn how to deal with this disorder. We want to help families take care of their children and have a more peaceful and happy life – concludes.

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About the authors

Clay Brites is a pediatrician and neurologist Children, Doctor of Medical Sciences and member of ABENEPI-PR and SBP. Luciana Brites specializes in Special Education Mental Retardation area, Educational Psychology Clinic and Psychomotor, besides being the coordinator of Abenepi Center in Londrina.

Luciana and Clay have three children and are co-founders of the Institute NeuroSaber (, which aims to share knowledge about learning, development and behavior of children and adolescents.

Book Children Challenging
Kindle: R$24,90
Common cover: R$33,16
single cover: 160 pages
Publisher: People
Language: Portuguese
ISBN-10: 8545203616
ISBN-13: 978-8545203612
Dimension: 23 cm x 16 cm
Link to buy:ÇAS-DESAFIADORAS-LUCIANA-BRITES/dp/8545203616/

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