Book criticizes alleged perfection of social relations

Capa livro "O Mundo Perfeito" de Cláudia Marczak. Foto: Divulgação.
Book cover “The Perfect World” Claudia Marczak. Photo: Disclosure.

Reflect on what lies behind appearances, This is the proposal of the new book the writer Claudia Marczak. Titled "a perfect world", the novel attempts to represent one of the great dramas of the society, the self-image of the social classes.

The work tells the story of Louise, a beautiful woman, attractive, mother of two children, married to a prominent businessman Rico, beautiful and charming. Even with employees doing all things for her and that life that would be the perfect world for many, for the character, nothing that made her feel complete or happy.

However, the whole concept of perfection go into shock when the Louise takes certain decisions that can change your life, leaving her increasingly confused.


Second Marczak, the book wonders about the alleged “perfection” superficial social relations that exist today. To ela, We live in a world in which all show be perfect and happy. However, This perfect façade hides feelings and sensations that people try to hide. "The novel promotes a look at these dark and hidden imperfections of the human being".

Literary inspiration

The writer says that the source for inspiration of his work comes from works of Clarice Lispector, Nelson Rodrigues and Fernando Pessoa. For this reason, his desire is always unsettling. To ela, his books cannot pass a feeling of indifference. "I want to mobilise the reader through sensations and surprises which arise in the course of the story".

– Every moment of my life asks a different text. Fernando Pessoa, for example, sums up that feeling through the heterônimos, each with a different look of the world. A text only, I'd put me. The literature has the duty to release – reports.

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In addition to "perfect world", edited by Penalux, Claudia Marczak also published "Chaos" and "Anywhere", both poems and independent, through autopublicação platforms. In addition, also released the novel "the edge", in 2012. For this year, do you still want to publish two more collections of books by Publisher Fabris.

Link to buy the book:

Book "a perfect world"

Author: Claudia Marczak
Publisher: Penalux
Size: 14X 21 cm
Pages: 204

Price: R$ 40,00

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