Book deals with racism from the perspective of psychology


Address and reflect on racism in Brazil through a psychological perspective. This is the proposal of the book "Psychology and the essence of blackness", authored the psychologists Livia Marques and Ellen Moraes.

The work deals with sensitive issues of the black population, and which are less discussed, Unfortunately, normalized by society. In order to promote dialogue and urge the reader to reflection. The idea is also to make the next issue of society, showing that there are professionals interested, engaged and ready to listen, mainly, those who suffer from it.

For authors, the work brings to the reader a psychological approach in a "decolonized" on racism in the country. "Childhood talked, adolescence and 'become black' and notes bluntly. We want to open a communication channel for anti-racist society and more willing to dialogue ", Livia says.


For authors, the content productions are emerging. But they are still very little published. Therefore, the work comes to dealing with this problem which is so little discussed and it deserves a look attentive and sensitive. "We hope to help and encourage more people to communicate, as well as serve as an inspiration for future generations ", Ellen diz.


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Book: Psychology and the essence of blackness
co-authoring: psychologists Livia Marques and Ellen Moraes.

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Pages: 110
Price: R$ 39,90
Publisher: conquest Publisher

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