Estácio's live with director André Warwar will address the future of audiovisual creation in an unprecedented experiment


The year of 2020 it will certainly be marked in the history of mankind as the “pandemic that stopped the planet”. However, artists, communicators and thinkers around the world do not deliver the points and research new and unusual processes of recreation and dissemination of dramaturgical audiovisual content, combining artistic experimentation with digital technology, circumventing the barriers imposed by quarantine and social distance. This is the theme of live from André Warwar – Cinema director, podcaster, former student of Estácio and former director of TV Globo – to be held next Friday (21 August), from 9:40 am on the Teams platform. Those interested in attending the free event can access the link

this meeting, promoted by the laboratories of the Cinema and Journalism courses at Estácio on the Tom Jobim campus, in Barra da Tijuca, Warwar will not only debate the new bets and trends that creators are exploring with an eye on the future of audiovisual content, but also explain directly from your digital table how the backstage of your show works “Desafio Hitchcock”, running on Saturdays at night via streaming.

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In scene: seven actors, each in your home, with your cameras on, virtually act and transmit their images to director André Warwar, receiving, Selects, edits and broadcasts this fanfic by screenwriter Patrick Hamilton, adapted for screens, in 1948, by the master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock with the title “Festim Diabólico”. The style could be called Teatro livestream? Live soap opera? Live Movie? Cinema digital? Online show? Or all this together and mixed? At the end, André Warwar will pass the final word to the public.

Event – “New challenges for audiovisual creation: innovating content with technology ”. Estácio's live with director André Warwar
Date- 21 August, Friday
Time – from 9:40 am
Free streaming via the Teams platform –
The show “Hitchcock Challenge”, with general direction by André Warwar, will have two last presentations: days 22 and 29 August, from 23h35
More information – @challengehitchcock

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