energy cleaning: learn to harmonize environments with radiesthesia


Holistic therapist Mariana Tortella teaches how to use charts and pendulums to balance the energies of the home

Excessive tiredness when you get home, after a long day at work; constant nightmares and even frequent fights between family members. These are just some of the signs that indicate that your home may have negative energies..

And to help in this task of eliminating and harmonize the environments, an ancient technique that has become common among Europeans is gaining more and more followers in Brazil: dowsing. The maneuver uses sensitive instruments to detect and balance energies in environments, bringing harmony and well-being.


For the holistic therapist specializing in radiesthesia, Mariana Tortella, energy clearing can be done in any environment with heavy energy, either at home or at work, with the aid of a pendulum and graphs. Tortella still explains that, anyone can do energy balancing on their own, as long as you apply everything correctly.

“Before you start cleaning, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the environments to detect where the unbalanced energy is. With the help of a pendulum, wooden or metal tool, in the past, It was used to find water and minerals., go to the place you believe to be disharmonious and observe the movement it will make. If you rotate clockwise, it means that everything is fine in that environment and there is no need to clean it there. So that now, If the pendulum rotates counterclockwise, the environment is really unbalanced”, scores the holistic therapist.

beyond the pendulum, Another tool that helps clean and balance energies is the decagon chart, a polygon of 10 sides that in radiesthesia serves to enlarge, tune, boost and activate energies.

“Write inside it the full address of your residence, with number, complement, neighborhood, city ​​and state. If you prefer, you can also take a picture of the entrance to the house and put it in the center of the graphic. The graphic with the address or image in the center must be placed next to the dowsing clock, printed on another paper. Then, with one hand under the decagon graph and with the pendulum in the other hand, suspended over the clock, ask the pendulum the following question: 'from poor to excellent, how is the energy of the environment?”, explains Tortella. She further adds that, at this moment, can, other questions added.

According to Mariana Tortella, the ideal is always to ask the pendulum which graphic is needed to harmonize that environment. After getting this answer, according to which way the tool turns, select the images and add your home address on top of them.

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The last step to complete the cleaning and balance of the home is to know how long that graphic should be exposed in the environment to be cleaned.. “Even with the aid of the radiesthesic clock, identify with the help of the pendulum the cleaning time. Essential oils can still be used, stones and other objects to enhance the cleaning. At the end of the cleaning time, it's nice to ask the watch again if the treatment is 100% finished”, mention specialist.

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Tortella adds that anyone can make the identification, cleaning and energy balance of your home or office, as long as you follow the correct steps.

"On to Europe, dowsing is as common as any other therapy. There are specific clinics on the technique, houses for the purchase of accessories and even courses for specialized professionals. Here in Brazil, we are still crawling in the propagation of the technique, but it is already possible to find a range of qualified professionals. Anyway, for those who want to venture into applying the technique, starting at home is always a good choice”, explains Tortella.

About Mari Tortella:

Mariana Tortella is a holistic therapist specializing in Radiesthesia and Radionics for almost 10 years.

She holds a degree in Materials Engineering from the Institution of Higher Education in São Bernardo do Campo and a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Its main objective is to help people who are already holistic therapists, or wish to be, to transform themselves and others with 100% of Confidence through one of the Most Powerful Energy Therapies in the World: Therapeutic Radiesthesia, being able to even live financially from it as a profession.

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