Auction of works of art in Graciosa Country Club


Event is open to the public and part of the proceeds will be donated
for the Oncology Hospital Pequeno Príncipe

Tarsila do Amaral, Miguel Bakun, Juarez Machado, Beatriz Milhazes, Cícero Dias, Candido Portinari and many other renowned artists will be auctioned by Mazo Auctions on Thursday (10), from the 8:00 pm, the Graciosa Country Club. The event is open to the public and part of the proceeds will be donated to the Oncology sector of the Hospital Pequeno Príncipe.

The auction count with 88 rare works of scholars of Paraná, contemporary Brazilian Art Nouveau and that are not found in art galleries. The bids start at R$ 5 1000 and can reach the R$ mark 2 million. The event will be the renowned auctioneer public officer Sanjiv Kronberg.

Quadro de Beatriz Milhazes. Foto: Divulgação.
Picture of Beatriz Milhazes. Photo: Disclosure.

Between the days 25 October and 8 in November some of the works of the auction were exhibited in a expográfica route between the courtyard Batel and the Icarus Space, the developer AG7. In the spaces, guided tours were carried out with the renowned art critic and historian Mario Hélio Gomes de Lima and collectors and interested parties had the opportunity to ask questions and check closely details of the works that will be auctioned.

The event is sponsored by AG7 Realty and the Batel patio and has the support of Arquea Architects, Juice Movies, Mariana Abolhamad Special Candy, Graciosa Country Club, Iluminarte and the hallowed galleries Simões de Assis and YES Gallery.

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There's still time to register for this great event that promises to get to the Curitiba cultural calendar. To participate it is necessary to do a pre-register with an indication of the lot of interest and price estimate, available on the website: You can also register on the day of the event, until 30 minutes before the start of the auction. More information by phone (41) 3222-9879 or by email


1the auction from art modern art and contemporary of Mazo
Date: 10 th November of 2016
Time: 20h
Local: Graciosa Country Club – Av. Munhoz da Rocha, 1146
Free entry

– Part of the proceeds of the event reverted to the Oncology sector of the Hospital Pequeno Príncipe

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