Read Borges in the exhibition held by the AAPP and Interart Inter TV

Eruption Nebula Work.
Work Nebula Eruption from the Explosion of Feelings Series.

In the month of September 2015 the artist Read Borges, participated in the V Salon of Visual Arts ABD (Brazilian Association of Design and Visual Arts) in Petropolis, with his work Nebula Eruption from the Explosion of Feelings Series.

In this collective exhibition, was awarded a special honor in the Contemporary Art category.

Special tribute.
Special tribute.

In the month of October, Lê Borges is participating with his work Orion Nebula, of the Interartes Exhibition held by AAPP (Association of Visual Artists of Petrópolis) of which it is part, and Inter TV affiliate of Rede Globo. This collective exhibition remains open for visits until the day 28 October 2015, from Monday to Friday, 9h às 17h.


Check out photos from the Vernissage on facebook.


Inter TV, affiliate of Rede Globo.
Read Borges on Inter TV, Rede Globo affiliate.


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Local: Inter TV Cultural Space.

Address: Empress Street no. 327, Center – Petrópolis-RJ.


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