Release Video Project Album/MNBA day 28 jul, with artists Xico Chaves and Fernando Diniz


Recently retired after a career of more than 30 years in public service, Xico Chaves, recalls his time as curator at the National Museum of Fine Arts, in the 1990, when he met the artist Fernando Diniz(1918-1999).

At that time, under the direction of Heloisa Lustosa(1928-2022), the MNBA developed the Museum of Origins, project referenced in the critic Mario Pedrosa, and who contemplated, among other, a segment on the art of the unconscious. It was when Xico approached Fernando Diniz, one of the big names in this area.

Diniz was discharged after many years as a patient of the renowned Dr Nise da Silveira(1905-1999), physician who humanized psychiatric treatment in Brazil, and who later founded the Museum of Images of the Unconscious.


In this eighth video of the Album/MNBA project, you will share some of the fertile memories of the visual artist and professor from Minas Gerais Xico Chaves and his fraternal relationship with the Bahian Fernando Diniz, a simple man, suffered, yet endowed with great wisdom.

In 1997, making your dream come true, the MNBA inaugurated a exhibition with your works. Yet, just two years after the event, Fernando Diniz passed away.

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The video can be seen, from 11 a.m., don't urge: @mnbario my FB: MNBARio

The Album/MNBA project reports part of the trajectory of the National Museum of Fine Arts/Ibram, making room for servers, former civil servants and/or other actors who dialogue with the Institution's memory.

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