The Brazilian writer Uranium Bonoldi, book provides story based on serial murders that take place in a mystical atmosphere and suspense. As background, the work highlights the importance of the choices and decisions, and the consequences generated by them
São Paulo, May 2019 - Everyone is a moon and has a dark side that never shows to anyone. In many situations of everyday life, the phrase of the American writer Mark Twain shown true. After all, who - of their own free will - decides to reveal to the public the truth about thoughts and acts liable to judgment? However, there is something that lets out between the fingers the truth about the ethics and morals of each person: the decisions it takes in lifelong. In this case, the choices are an X-ray of the soul.
These are some of the provocative ideas that the reader will find in A Counterpart, writer's debut book Uranio Bonoldi, which will be released this month in Brazil by editor Valentina. Directed the young-adult audience, between 20 and 40 years, the thriller involves the reader, longer on the front pages, in dark situations, of mysticism and mystery around a series of strange murders.
The story revolves around the boy Tavinho, a young man not to frustrate the mother and to honor the memory of his father, victim of violence in São Paulo, chooses to cut paths during their teenage years. With the 'help' of his housekeeper, Iaúna - born in an Indian tribe extinct, he agrees to take the elixir of wisdom. However, the decision to become more cunning, more agile reasoning, with an above average intelligence, harmless principle, results in serious consequences that call into question the future of the character and all around.

"We always have to follow our essence. Often the consequences of our decisions are diffuse and difficult to identify. Therefore, I believe more dangerous than a bad decision making is the fact insist on error lifelong ", Uranium author highlights Bonoldi. Also business administrator, Bonoldi acquired in the course of its solid experience in executive career theme 'Decision Making', specialty that makes him speaker, consultant and teach classes in business school for executive.
With the arrival scheduled for March bookstores, the book has gained strong repercussions on the internet from critical analysis of the major pop culture influencers in Brazil. Another detail that has drawn attention in social media is the dissemination of booktrailer. In it, actors staging the most harrowing and grim key moments of the work, revealing precisely the essence of this mystery in the plot. Check here! = sJoIMCTv4lo
It bears on its cover a reading recommendation strap in the words of the Brazilian browser, speaker and writer Amyr Klink, the first man to cross the South Atlantic rowing. "Sailing is an act of patience, and there are decisions that should only be taken at the right time. Enjoy A Counterpart and earn good elements to better evaluate their future choices ", highlights.
Genus: FICTION |
Publisher: Valentina |
ISBN: 855889082X |
Pages: 344 |
Price: R$ 39,90 | |
Uranium Bonoldi acts as teacher, lecturer and management consultant, corporate governance and strategic planning, supporting companies that want to grow in a structured way. From his long executive experience in high management positions, He noted the difficulty of people to make decisions not only in business, but also in personal life. This finding led him to integrate his experience to research and reflections on leadership and process decision making.
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It is for this that baggage acquired in her debut book, “A Counterpart”, Bonoldi addresses, a playful and profound way, the impact that choices have on the personal and professional life of each person.
Located in Rio de Janeiro, Editora Valentina remains committed to publishing literature and entertainment acclaimed reference books prizes and main vehicles of international press. The editorial profile is designed for novels that address the contemporary youth and come to life out of the book, as well as topics such as urban fantasy, dystopia, paranormal, female, thriller, chick lit, pets, religiosity, Biography, well-being, steampunk.
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