Piratininga Lagoon inspires “Cantos & charms”

Artist Elza Suzuki presents diversity of flora and fauna of Niterói's lagoon system (RJ) in 40 telasineditas, the Leila Diniz Culture Room


The anniversary of the 450 Niterói years (RJ) it will be in november, but one of the gifts arrives this March, with exhibition “Corners & Enchantments – Piratininga Lagoon”.

Visual artist and designer Elza Suzuki signs a series of 40 unpublished paintings portraying birds, fish, trees and flowers of the lagoon system. The canvases will be able to be seen in the Sala de Cultura Leila Diniz, from day 10, with free admission.

“It is a privilege to be able to portray the natural beauties of my city. And it is a source of pride to exhibit these works in the 450 years of Niterói”, says Elza.


When talking about the frames, the exhibition curator, Ana Schieck, says that the artist rescues a family heritage of painting, dating back to grandfather, Yoshitaro Suzuki.

“With undeniable talent, Elza Suzuki undertakes, through a safe line and a lot of color, an extensive reading of the flora and fauna of Lagoa de Piratininga. The artist's commitment is to collaborate with the preservation, through a reading in which illustration painting is used as a resource. By choosing this path, Elza intends to achieve the goal of making a pictorial record, bringing a didactic dimension, beyond artistic, for the dissemination of a virtually unknown environmental heritage”, says curator Ana Schieck.

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According to curator, Elza closely observes the contrast between the beauty of the place and the neglect with which this heritage was relegated in the last century. Today, the area undergoes socio-environmental transformations with the creation of the Parque Municipal Orla de Piratininga Alfredo Sirkis, that is being implanted.

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Responsible for organizing the exhibition “Cantos & Enchantments – Piratininga Lagoon”, which has the support of the municipal government, the cultural producer Cacau Dias completes: “This exhibition by Elzinha is a present for our city.”

Groups and schools can schedule guided tours via email.:

“Corners & charms – Lagoa de Piratininga”
Paintings by Elza Suzuki
Opening to the public: from 10 March to 7 June 2023
Visitation: from 8:0 to 5:0 pm, from Monday to Friday.
Local: Culture room Leila Diniz – Rua Prof.. Heitor Carrilho, 81, Center, Niterói, RJ
Cultural production: cocoa Days
Curated By: Ana Schieck

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