LABLIVRE the Federal University of ABC in partnership with the Ministry of culture conduct research on Cultural production tools


The free Software Laboratory of the Federal University of ABC is carrying out a project in partnership with the Ministry of culture on tools (software) cultural production.

The first stage of search search to map the cultural software, owners and free, used by the artists, producers, institutions and cultural movements in their daily practices, as well as the implications that proprietary formats bring to the communicability and interoperability of collections and artistic cultural goods.

So we're looking for users and software developers from various fields such as Architecture, Music, Circus, Games, Design, File, Museum, Digital Art, etc. to send the questionnaire and list what softwares are best used. After that we will contact you with some (those who are willing) to conduct an interview and more elaborate the list.


Finally, We will propose measures for improvement and encourage the development of cultural free software within a strategy that involves the public sectors, universities and development communities.


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LabLivre da Universidade Federal do ABC


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