Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960)

Coffee break. Mine Well, 1947.
Coffee break. Minas Gerais, 1947.

Kurt Klagsbrunn,
a humanist photographer in Rio

From 14 April to 9 August 2015
1th floor of the Pavilion-Gallery
Gallery Talk: 14 April, às 11h

The River Museum of art presents the exhibition Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960), bringing together the work of Austrian artist held in Rio de Janeiro. Are about 200 photographs from a total estimated at more than 100 thousand records made by him in the city-what is located next to names like Ahmed Malta and Marc Ferrez in the documentation of the river. Klagsbrunn, of Jewish ancestry, arrived in 1939 the then Brazilian capital as a refugee from Nazism and discovered his vocation here for photography. Soon became one of the greatest interpreters of Rio de Janeiro, building a vast work capable of capturing all the singularities of the carioca society of that period-their symbols and contradictions, differences and transformations, intersections of classes and cultures.


Accompanied by his Rolleiflex camera and an incessant curiosity, Kurt Klagsbrunn (1918-2005) portrayed everyday scenes, the coffee on the counter to the glamour of racing at the Jockey Club, and characters ranging from a shoeshine boy and the hawker international personalities (like American filmmaker Orson Welles during his remarkable passing through town, 1942). This is a real anthropology of everyday life in Rio, analyzing the movement of affections and social hierarchy systems.

“One of the features of Kurt is the loving relationship with Rio de Janeiro. And that solidarity was also a loveliness critical size. At the same time, to survive, did pictures of high society, He also noted very difficult life of the common people – the can of water, the lack of transportation, the precarious housing. Klagsbrunn produces the image of a city with a soul, with its contradictions, evils and charms”, comments Paulo Herkenhoff, cultural Director of the sea and one of the curators of the exhibition.

Classified as “humanist”, the delicate look of Klagsbrunn also discussed the culture afro-carioca-resisting strong repression of samba, the candomblé and capoeira-and made a critique of Brazilian society to shed light on child labour in images that expose the innocence of children in a country that does not give them education and health. Your photography, however, ever explored the misery: the goal has always been related to the construction of the future of the country.

Gift selection in Kurt Klagsbrunn, a humanist photographer in Rio (1940-1960) explains the essence of his work. With coordination of couple Martha and Victor Hugo Klagsbrunn, nephew of photographer, the exhibition is curated by Marcia Melo, Suzane Worcman and Paulo Herkenhoff, getting in between poster 14 April and 9 August. On opening day, às 11h, happens a little gallery with the participation of curators. At the same time, the sea opens to the public Rio – A French passion. Beside Landscapes unseen, with pictures of Marcos Chaves, the shows celebrate the 450 years of the city through different approaches in its history and symbols of ever felt drawn to.


More photos:


The Museu de Arte do Rio

The MAR is a space dedicated to art and visual culture. Installed in Praca Maua, occupies two adjacent buildings: an older, lying and eclectic style, which houses the Exhibition Hall; another younger, Modernist, Look where the school's work. The architectural design unites the two buildings with a fluid concrete cover, which refers to a wave - a trademark of the museum -, and a ramp, where visitors come to the exhibition spaces.

O MAR, an initiative of the City Government in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, have activities that involve collecting, registration, search, preservation and return of cultural property to the community. Proactive support space education and culture, the museum was born with a school - the School Look -, whose proposal is innovative museological: foster the development of an educational program of reference for actions in Brazil and abroad, combining art and education from the curatorial program that guides the institution.

The museum has the Globe Group as maintainer, the Valley and the BG Brazil as sponsors and the copatrocínio of ITA, Besides the support of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro and the realization of the Ministry of Culture and the Federal Government of Brazil, by Federal Law for Promotion of Culture. The management is left to the Odeon Institute, a private association, nonprofit, whose mission is to promote citizenship and the social and educational development through the realization of cultural projects.

Service MAR - Museu de Arte do Rio

Entrance: R$ 8 The R $ 4 (half price) - People with up 21 years, private school students, university, disabled people and public servants of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Payment by cash or card (Visa or Mastercard).

Policy free: Do not pay admission - on presentation of Proof Documentation - public school students (teaching elementary and middle), children up to five years or people from 60, public school teachers, employees of museums, groups in situations of social vulnerability educational visit, MAR neighbors and tour guides. Tuesdays admission is free to the general public.

Tuesday to Sunday, das 10h às 17h. On Mondays the museum closes to the public. For more info, contact by phone (55 21) 3031-2741 or visit www.museudeartedorio.org.br.

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Address: Praca Maua, 5 - Center. Check the map:

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