June/15 – Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University


Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University

Course is conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC)

Open registration for New Class of the postgraduate course in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes UniversityRegistrations are now open for the new graduate class lato sensu in Cultural production of the Candido Mendes University (UCAM). The course was a pioneer in Brazil and six years comes an extraordinary role in the formation of qualified professionals in multiple functions for the cultural sector. The course is conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management (ABGC). Classes begin on 20 of June.


Graduate school LATthe sensu in Cultural production and recycle people to act on cultural segments, prepare and develop all necessary steps in the field of cultural business, through an integrated vision of the various areas involved: Administration, Economy, Right, Marketing, Arts and culture.

The course aims to train professionals to book of reflective and entrepreneurial way in the universe of culture production in Brazil, qualifying them to perform multiple functions in the areas of development, strategic planning, sustainability, content programming, production and project management, events, cultural actions, conception of artistic products and development of policies for culture in public or private areas.

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On executive performance, the professional will be able to collaborate with Cultural Centers, Foundations, Institutes, Museums, Schools and universities, Companies, Non-governmental organizations, Prefectures, Secretariats of Culture, Audiovisual Industry, Editorial and Music, Tv, Radio, in marketing departments of companies, Historic heritage sectors, among others. There are, yet, the consolidation of comprehension and interpretation of the cultural dimensions, social, Economic and political steps involved in design, development and application of concepts, in the realization of cultural projects.

In the social spectrum, the student on completion of course, must be able to fully exercise their citizenship, through the conscious exercise of corporate social responsibility, understanding and assessing social impacts, Economic and political actions, in applying the knowledge gained. Becomes relevant also, the cultural Agent character's accomplishments at paute aggregator that culture increasingly takes, as an important instrument for improving the quality of life and for peace between the communities and social sectors.

We set up a curriculum geared to empower, reflective and entrepreneurial way, the professionals who will manage institutions, cultural programs and projects. Art and culture institutions multiply in the expansion of the information as a vehicle of leisure and consumer goods, uniting multidisciplinary content of the universes of culture and science of management”, explains the academic Coordinator, Katia de Marco.

In tune with the new demands of academic training combined with the growing labor market requirements, the Universidade Candido Mendes confirms its pioneering activities, consolidated in more than 100 years of tradition, on completion of the first MBA in Cultural management of the country, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Cultural Management.


Academic coordinator – Katia de Marco – Graduated in social sciences and a master's degree in science of Art from the Fluminense Federal University. Is independent curator and member of the Brazilian Association of art critics-ABCA. He founded and chairs the Brazilian Association Cultural Management - ABGC and is academic coordinator of the Graduate Program in Cultural and Social Studies - PECS, University Candido Mendes, where he also coordinates the MBA in Cultural Management, MBA in Economics and Creative Cities, MBA in Management of Museums, MBA in Environmental Management and a Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Production. It is the project manager Dialogue Café Rio, UN/UNAOC/UCAM and is also Director of the Museu Antonio Parreiras SMU/SEC/RJ.

Titration: Pe graduate coursework in Cultural production

University Candido Mendes – UCAM
New Class: June 2015

Registration open

Beginning of classes: 20 June 2015

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Hours: 374h
Duration: 26 months
Shift: morning / afternoon
Days of school: fortnightly Saturdays
Time: 08h às 17h

Local: Campus Center - Meeting Street, 10 room 616
Unit: Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa – Cultural and Social Studies program-PECS
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