Young man 16 years publishes his first children's book, for those who like fantasy, space and superheroes!

Book by Vítor Barros narrated in a distant universe called Lemector, with lots of action and adventure!


“The 4 elements”, the debut book of the author Vítor Barros of just 16 years was released on the day 15/01/2021 (Pre sale) by Editorial Come to Narnia, bringing us a romance with lots of action.

In the book we follow a fanciful story about a kingdom called ‘’ Lemector ’’ formed by a set of five planets, that was dominated by a very powerful King, greedy and cruel! Where the only way to defeat him would be to fulfill an ancient prophecy with the help of the four elements.

The story makes readers travel to the narrated universe, and feel every emotion experienced by the characters, among them: surprise, indignation, happiness, condo and many others.


The pre-sale editions of this costume will be autographed by the author himself, a great opportunity for those who appreciate not only the work, but also who created it.

"I, Since little, I loved creating characters and my mind was always creative, several times imagined different situations or realities, but I never thought of writing a book. Until an opportunity came to show my creations, a story contest. Hence, as I already had the basis of my narration, I wrote it finding it very fun and different, besides starting to share the adventures of my heroes. ”, said Vitor.


Vítor Barros was born in 2004, in the State of São Paulo.

Since small, loves to draw and has a lot of creativity.

I always wanted to build a universe of super heroes and started to develop the idea creating comic books.

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The only way to overcome the fearsome emperor was to fulfill the prophecy that had long been written. In a universe far from the earth, there was a set of five planets called the Lemector Kingdom, that was in full harmony, until a proud and selfish man brought discord dominating everything and becoming king. Nobody wanted him in power, but they had no chance to defeat him, many inhabitants surrendered to the empire of the sovereign Enormus and others hid themselves becoming rebels.

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Social Media

There is a YouTube channel, in which he dedicates himself a lot and, for all new ideas, he believes in the phrase: “Anything can be possible, just believe”.

Also has an Instagram: @krion_flames, where you post the drawings of the heroes, to publicize the universe called imperial comics @imperial_comics.

The book can be purchased on the publisher's website:


Author: Vítor Barros
Edition: 1
Year: 2021
Genus: Children and youth
Pages: 108
Language: Portuguese
Format: 14×21

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