Jacqueline Sebe opens exhibition "Pollyanna" at the Maison School and art gallery (18/5)


With an ancient technique used by few in contemporary times, the artist
Jacqueline Sebe opens his first solo exhibition in the State capital and in Brazil.

Entitled "Pollyanna", the show opens to the public next Wednesday (18 de Mayo), at the Maison art gallery (Av. Benedict Simon, 255, St. Benedict). With free admission, the public can check the works until the day 18 of June.

Série Calendário. Material papel, bordado, metal, encáustica sobre cânhamo. Foto: Divulgação.
Calendar Series. Paper material, embroidery, metal, Encaustic on hemp. Photo: Disclosure.

Getting to know the works, visitors will have close contact with the encaustica, technique used almost exclusively in Minas Gerais and in Brazil by Jacqueline Sebe, and that is the leitmotif of the entire creation process. In antiquity, This method was used in burials in Egypt and is used in painting, and one of its main features is its strength. According to the artist, the technique consists in the use of wax to join pigments.


"I've lived more than 20 years outside of Brazil, basically between Europe and the United States, I returned to the country recently, and in my travels I could improve my technique and art, on a constant exchange of experience with local and professional artists, of the most diverse places in the world. In recent years, I studied and I delved extensively on the topic of Encaustic Painting ", explains Jacqueline Sebe.

Série Inglesa. Sem título. Encáustica e acrílica sobre madeira. Foto: Divulgação.
English Series. Untitled. Encaustic and acrylic on wood. Photo: Disclosure.

According to Wagner Nardy, Curator of the exhibition, in shows, the artist combines, for example, the encaustica construction, snapping up your creations with objects that would be disposed of construction sites. "Right now, Jacqueline try being a kind of negotiator of a compromise between the conflicting wills of those materials and those commonly used in the field of plastic arts, observing and perpetuating a legacy path by sculptor Jose Resende ", Wagner highlights.

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Jacqueline Sebe. Foto: Mateus Gontijo.
Jacqueline Sebe. Photo: Matthew George.

The name of the show is an allusion to the book of the same name by writer Eleanor H. Porter, published in 1913 and considered a classic of children's literature. As well as the orphan girl from the book, the artist tries to practice the “happy game”. This game consists in seeking to extract something good and positive in all, even seemingly more unpleasant things. "That's how Jacqueline Hedge makes the materials that were going to trash the buildings you see works of art", strengthens your curator.

In General, "Pollyanna" is an exhibition that deals with themes of brave and sincere, but, that speaks of romance in the first place. This novel, According to the artist, comes from its relationship with the works, that have been matured through the years. As, Reaffirms Wagner Nardy, It is also a romance between materials of nature and different valuation, that only the domain of a talented maestra, as Jaqueline Sebe, could orchestrate.

"It is with an explicit reference to a love story and adored around the world who dream Jacqueline Hedge comes translating a women, touching, sexy, playful, but, no less very vexing and thought-provoking. Following a path faithful constructivist practices of brazilian art from the late 60 ', Finalizes the curator.

O que não pode ser dito. Papel, linha encáustica e Madeira. Foto: Divulgação.
What cannot be said. Paper, Encaustic Painting and wood line. Photo: Disclosure.

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