Registration open for the Real Carnival Parade contest 2019


They are open from Monday (7/01), Registration for the contest that will choose the King Momo, the Queen and the princesses of Curitiba Carnival 2019. larger ones can participate in 18 years, living in Curitiba for at least six months, they have carnival spirit, sympathy and samba foot.

Those interested in running for Royal Parade Carnival 2019 can register until the day 06 February, at the headquarters of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba (Ingenuity Innovation – Rua Rebouças Engineers, 1732). More information can be obtained by telephone 3213-7576 and 3213-7582.

King, the queen and the princesses represent the city in the Carnival events scheduled by the Cultural Foundation. The obligations of elected start right after the contest. The Jury will be chosen by the FCC and composed by people with recognized expertise in the various areas of culture.


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The contest will be held on 07 February, in Curitiba Memorial, at 8:30 pm.

click here to see the Regulation.

Registration for the election of the Real Carnival Parade 2019
Registration period: from 7 from January to 6 February
Local: headquarters of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba - (Ingenuity Innovation – Rua Rebouças Engineers, 1732)
Information: 3213-7576 and 3213-7582.

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