I Meeting of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings opens free registration for Ceramic Workshops

Isubscriptions to 17 January 2022 in bit.ly/OficinasdeCeramica

Offices of 25 to 28 January 2022


The I Meeting of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings will gather artisans, students and the public interested in arts and crafts to enjoy a free program with lectures, Circles of conversation, pottery workshops, video show, exhibition and craft fair, from 24 to 30 January 2022, at the Candanga Memory Living Museum.

The event is a realization of the WHAT FOR – Center-West Art Center, with support from the Candanga Memory Vivo Museum of the Federal District's Secretariat for Culture and Creative Economy and the Special Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Tourism.

The 1st Meeting of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings opens free registration for Ceramic Workshops. The workshops aim to introduce the elements that make up the clay production process, with the insertion beyond the techniques of ceramics (burn), the modeling techniques, sculpture, dyeing and enamelling, in addition to stimulating the development of the creative capacity and artistic potential of the participants.


Deadline 17 January 2022 no link: bit.ly/OficinasdeCeramica

  • Workshop CONSTRUCTION OF HIGH TEMPERATURE OVEN with José Nicodemos (Brasília-DF), on 25 January 2022, from 9 to 12 hours.
  • CLAY SCULPTURE workshop with Paulo de Paula (Brasília-DF), on 26 January 2022, from 9 to 12 hours.
  • LATHE TECHNICAL OFFICE, with Mestre Zinho and Maria da Paz (Brasília-DF), on 27 January 2022, from 9 to 12 hours.
  • ENAMEL TECHNIQUES Workshop, com Ana Canetti (Brasília-DF and Curitiba-PR), on 28 January 2022, from 9 to 12 hours.

The list of selected participants will be disclosed by email and on NACO's social networks until the day 19 January 2022.

Service: Ceramics Workshops of the 1st Meeting of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings

free registration: By 17 January 2022 in: bit.ly/OficinasdeCeramica

Offices of 25 to 28 January 2022, always from 9 to 12 hours

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Local: Living Museum of Candanga Memory (St. JK – Maned)

Information: www.encontrodeceramistas.com.br

Instagram: www.instagram.com/naco.arte

Facebook: www.facebook.com/naco.residencias

The use of a mask is mandatory.

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