Time for the "Selfie" in the Culture room Leila Diniz


Fevers in social networks, the selfies turned exhibition theme

In recent years, the selfies turned into a fever on the Internet. People love to take pictures of themselves in various situations, is at weddings, birthdays, or even simple meetings between friends. Thinking about it, Leonardo Santiago artist had the idea to portray the fashion of social networks through world-known personalities. The exhibition "selfie" will be in the Leila Diniz Culture Room between days 5 and 28 April.

"The fever selfie woke me up this perspective to deal with personalities known for everyone. I always liked to portray characters, but it was something sporadic and this is the first time I make an exclusive exhibition that. The goal is also to embrace both the young audience as the oldest ", Leonardo account, which began early in the artistic life, having held his first exhibition ever to 14 years old.


The audience can expect a tour of the history of many genres and personalities of different nationalities, como Albert Einstein, Fidel Castro, Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson, Ayrton Senna, Raul Seixas, Seu Jorge, among others. An exhibition that brings together characters from the past and present.

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"In a fantasy road there are no limits for the creation. Working with colors that cause agony, amazement, pleasure, deep peace, among other sensations aroused by emotion. My works are creating what is in me. I realize the infinite in all finite. This is my world. This is the art world ", declares the artist.

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Exhibition "selfie", Leonardo Santiago
Date: from 05 to 28/04/2017
Address: Rua Prof.. Heitor Carrilho 81, Centro-Niterói/RJ
Visiting hours: Monday-Friday, das 10h às 17h


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