Stories with Dolls for the Environment Online


The Ju Yao Cultural Center with text by Marlon Silva, brings Stories for the Environment.

The stories are interpreted by puppets and set in fictional settings where it reflects the importance of nature preservation.

In a simple and playful way to get to the practice of small.


Are 4 stories:

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The Helma Cow in the Forest
Nico and the Paper Box
Juca o Cachorro na Praia
The Cabbage Rut and the Carrot Fabin

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Each day a new story for four days.

The program is sponsored by the Federal Government, Special Secretariat of Culture, City Hall of Nova Iguaçu, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, FENIG.

Service: Free
Days: 29, 30 and 31 March
Local: = 883153195803911

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