Germilide Zandona - “Life as inspiration”, by Edmundo Cavalcanti

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

1- Where did you born? And what is your academic training?

I was born in Soeste-SC, Full degree in pedagogy, photographs Technical accounting l and body therapist.

2- How and when you give your first contact with the Arts?


At eleven years of age, art exhibitions in the city, I was invited to visit the Ateliê.

3- How did you find this gift?

Encouraged by my sister, and admiration for the local studio.

4- What are your main influences?

The photograph painted by artists (portraitists) from door to door, it was what I dreamed.

Germilide Zandona é Artista Plástica.
Germilide Zandona is a Visual Artist.

5- What materials do you use in your works?

I use oil paint on canvas.

6- What is your creative process itself? What inspires you?

There is a lot of inspiration behind creativity and, therefore, it is essential to nourish your mind with things that caninspire you such as a movement of the human body, a pet, a flower, are endless inspirations for the creative process.

7- When you started effectively to produce or create your works?

In my opinion it starts with the artist, we each have our own reading of any work of art, even the re-readings.

Works have a long role in human history, assign meaning to our existence.

8- Art is an intellectual production exquisite, where emotions are embedded in the context of creation, but in art history, we see that many artists are derived from other, following technical and artistic movements through time, you own any model or influence of any artist? Who would be?

CleaTelo, Helena Roballo, Kelvin couto, E.P. B, Marcos Damacena, Elton Brunetti.

9- What does art mean to you? If you were to summarize in a few words the meaning of Arts in your life…

Art extends intelligence and perceptual capacity, soon makes you a happier person.

10- What techniques do you use to express their ideas, feelings and perception about the world? (Whether it is through painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography… or uses several techniques in order to make a mix of different art forms).

Painting and photography.

11- Every artist has his mentor, that person whom you mirrored that encouraged and inspired you to follow this career you, going ahead and taking your dreams the other expression levels, who this person is and how it introduced you in the art world?

Clea Telo.

12- You have another activity beyond art? You teaches classes, lectures etc.?

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Administrative work in a company.

13- Its major national and international exhibitions and their awards? (Mention 5 most recent)

14- Your plans for the future?

I am in the process of resuming studies on art.

15- In your opinion what is the future of Brazilian art and its artists? (in the general context) and because so many artists are giving preference to showing their work in exhibitions?

It is essential that schools, art teachers and educational actions in museums are mediators for the production of knowledge in art for students. Build this national culture, only then will we be able to leverage our artists.

The artist is, Generally, a person involved in the production of art, to show your work at exhibitions is to be recognized for your work, even if it's from other artists, since we don't have a national culture about art.

Facebook: Germilide Zandona

Instagram: Dinha_Zandona






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