Zero Collective Gallery displays with Several Concepts jobs


“Collective Paradox "features Carlos Borsa jobs, Francisco Rosa, Loro Verz and Luiz Pasqualini, which challenge well-known opinion and lack of nexus, através do paradoxo

The Zero Gallery inaugurates "Paradoxo Coletivo”, with work Carlos Borsa, Francisco Rosa, they Verz and Luiz Pasqualini, under the direction of Pedro Paulo Afonso. The show consists of 21 works - paintings, Street art, sculptures -, em um conceito que pretende reunir artistas com proposições distintas, which challenge well-known opinion and lack of nexus, contrariando, através do paradoxo, os preceitos básicos e gerais que orientam o pensamento humano.

In this new collective of Zero Gallery, Carlos Borsa exibe a série “#mitodacaverna”, cujo objetivo propõe discutir as relações humanas com a tecnologia, utilizando o conceito de Platão que aponta a ignorância dos seres e o que é necessário para atingir o verdadeiro “mundo real”, baseado na razão acima dos sentidos.


In "Sala de Troféus”, Francisco Rosa sugestiona as relações empáticas e simbióticas entre os animais humanos e não humanos, apresentando esculturas antropomórficas, em metal, que questionam as relações predatórias dos homens com os animais.

they Verz it presents "Bodas de Loro”, série que aborda o caos harmônio, em obras produzidas sobre madeira recortada, técnica que comemora bodas de 20 years, contendo sua visão original e bem-humorada da simultaneidade dos sistemas complexos contemporâneos.

Finally, Luiz Pasqualini expõe “A roupa nova do rei”, uma crítica sobre as relações artísticas praticadas no mercado atual, o qual dita o que pode ser ou não considerado como arte, utilizando a fábula de um soberano, enganado em um golpe de um charlatão, que diz ter lhe vendido roupas que só os inteligentes poderiam ver.

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Exhibition: “Paradoxo Coletivo
Artists: Carlos Borsa, Francisco Rosa, Loro Verz and Luiz Pasqualini
Direction: Pedro Afonso Paulo Coelho
Opening: 01 de abri de 2019, Monday, at 19h
Period: 02 April to 04 May 2019
Local: Zero Gallery
Address: street Sympathy, 23 - Vila Madalena – São Paulo/SP
Timetables: Monday to Saturday, from 11 at 8:0 pm
Number of works: 21
Techniques: painting, escultura em metal, Street art
Dimensions: several
Prices: Upon request


Press office - ZERO Gallery - Balady Communication
Silvia Balady – | Zeca Florentino -
Tel.: 11 3814-3382

Zero Gallery

The Zero Gallery It comes up with the purpose of consolidating in the São Paulo cultural circuit as a place where art is seen and felt as something that is part of everyday life of people, mainly because not live in an isolated environment of white walls, but in a city where different colors and nuances predominate in tandem with the works of art. Pedro Paulo Afonso, economist, It operates in the financial market in the investment field for over 10 years, working for big institutions like Santander Asset Management, Nest Investments, Fidúcia Asset Management e Mirae Asset Wealth Management CCTVM. Art collector some years ago, He found a way to support both new and established artists creating a space for the promotion and development of contemporary art, thus being able to devote to his hobby and professionalized it. One of the main goals of Zero Gallery It is to bring national artists, represented by it, to various locations of the city and the world, thus being able to expose and promote a wide range of Brazilians living artists.

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