Modernists Gallery hosts exhibition of Charlotte Lisbon


The show “Sea”, the artist Charlotte Lisbon, closes the calendar 2018 the Modernists Gallery, in Santa Teresa, in the center of Rio de Janeiro. The exhibition will be opened on 24 November and will be on display until 20 January 2019. In its path, the artist developed his work with diversity: charcoal, coal, watercolor, acrylic and oil.

Charlotte Lisbon, Bahia open water, lives and works in Salvador and Florida shaft, where he moved as a teenager, solidifying its inspiration. Exploring various schools, Impressionism, realism and figuratismo, Charlotte draws and paints, reflecting the feminine, the drive and the spiritual, a visit to the potent nature and solitude in front of a multitude: the sea.

Among its references, exercised on the techniques inspired in great masters, for example, Velasquez, Degas, among other, and invites them to this display, where you can take a real deep dive emotions, where you feel the beat of the waters in the chest and skin. "My exhibition brings brand as the inspiration that comes through the waters as a reflection of life, represented by the flow that shows us that it is not always necessary that everything is under our control. You have to let it flow like the waters of the sea, sometimes with active force and others with passive politeness, this has been for me an education about life. The sea with challenges and statements that are not always in our plans , tells us that when we dive really in the present moment, facing the waves and believing, life can become extraordinary ", He explained the artist.


The age rating is free, admission is free and the gallery is Modernists in Paschoal Carlos Magno Street, 39 Santa Teresa in Rio de Janeiro. The exhibition can be visited from Wednesday to Saturday from 9 am to 22h and Sundays from 9h to 17h. More information by phone (21) 3852-8265.

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Charlotte was born in Lisbon Bahia and as a teenager he moved to the United States where he graduated and a master's degree at the University of Miami, in Florida. He made several courses of specialization in impressionism and realism with contemporary masters. The artist has done exhibitions in Paris, Lisboa, Italy, New York, Miami and no Brasil.

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