Modernist Gallery hosts the exhibition “From the earth” from 21/1, Saturday

Until March, show in Santa Teresa brings together ceramic works signed by award-winning artists


From day 21 January, Saturday, Iconic association of the Carioca Carnival, in Santa Teresa, will receive the exhibition "From the earth", curated by Thelma Innecco and coordinated by Dony Gonçalves.

By 18 March, the public will be able to see works produced in ceramics by renowned and award-winning artists: Angelica Costa, Carol Pacini, Cris Cabus, Dony Gonçalves, Dorothee Ledermann, Heloisa Alvim, Letícia Simões, Mary Do Iorio, Sylvia Goyanna, Thaïs de Siervi and Thelma Innecco.

With free admission, The exhibition “Da Terra” seeks to perceive a world cut out in the work of each of the ceramists, exponents in the art of clay, who have participated in exhibitions in Brazil and around the world, each with strong references.


The selected works provoke reflections, enchantments and demonstrate resistance in, even in such difficult times, but with rapture, don't stop producing and creating.

In the entrance hall, the exhibition “Da Terra” will bring together utilitarian works or small formats, produced from different burning techniques, decoration and nail polish. On the second floor of the gallery, the public will find the series of sculptures and interventions exhibited in dialogue maneuvers, showing all the possibilities of the relationships between the artists.

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Na opening, day 20, with the presence of the artists, the public will be able to know, with greater intimacy, each one's work, going through the circuits proposed by the curators.

Exhibition "From the ground" – Opening 21 January from 2pm to 8pm
period of occupation: until 18 March 2023
Modernists gallery
Rua Paschoal Carlos Magno, 39 – Santa Teresa, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Phone: (21) 3486-5387 (21) 981393892
Operation: Thursday to Saturday 9 am to 5 pm
Sunday 9 am to 2 pm
Scheduling visits at special times
Instagram @modernistasgaleria

*Throughout the Exhibition we will show ceramic videos
*The ceramists who have a school atelier are:
Dony Gonçalves and Tahaïs De Siervi, at Calouste Gulbenkian
Sylvia Goyanna, atelier in the Botanical Garden,
Cris Cabus, Atelier in Laranjeiras
Heloisa Alvim, at the Museum of Nise da Silveira
Letícia Simões at Atelier Flor do Ingá and Carolina Pacini, in Santa Teresa

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