Galeria Lume opens the year with “Lurking”, by Ana Vitória Mussi

The exhibition presents a retrospective of the artist's extensive production., dedicated to the investigation of images through photography, exploring its limits and possibilities beyond conventional uses and means


With a retrospective of the work of more than four decades by the artist-photographer Ana Victoria Mussi (1943), which presents a vast production composed of photography, moving pictures, objects and installations, to World Gallery Displays, from 11 February, Saturday, às 11h, “Lurking”. Curated by Paulo Kassab Jr.., to exhibition highlights photographs that analyze the artist's dialogues with the main device for circulating and producing images of her generation: the television.

In the 70, Ana V. Mussi joined the group that became known as a pioneer of video art in Brazil, composed of seven other artists – Anna Bella Geiger, Fernando Cocchiarale, Sonia Andrade, Ivens Machado, Paulo Herkenhoff, Letícia Relative, Miriam Danowski. Because of this time period (1974 to 1982) in which he worked together with the group, the show will contemplate, also, works by Anna Bella Geiger, that talk and reinforce Mussi's production as a way of working the image in mass communication vehicles.


For the curator, "Ana V. Mussi appropriates an image by creating other meanings about it;   Taking over everyday scenes or classic movie images, the artist does not ask us to abandon imagery thinking, but thinking about the image and for the image, give up what, in thought, chains itself to matter to make the subjective entity.” 

In the photographs in which he appropriates television images, the artist restores to each image the unexpected apparition of the act. The camera freezes the scene, interrupts the session and flashes the moment of the threat of movement: the coup.

In the last 40 years, Ana M. has been dedicating himself to the investigation of images as a way of exploring their limits and possibilities. bringing objects, projections, movies, photographs and sculptures, “À espreita” analyzes the relationship between the condition of the image in the world, especially the television and audiovisual image, and our submission to its powers – to its ability to influence us. It's through that window (tv), in our homes, that we watch the visceral wars of this city, invasions in the favelas, to the deafening sound of artillery, the cornered and silent population. no birds cross, no dog barks. We are here and not there, maybe we'll feel relieved, even if this “there” is in immediate proximity, even if the bangs of guns that we hear right here around us are confused with those broadcast live on TV.

“Ana Vitória Mussi, since early, the difficult task of photographing the ‘through’, the interstice between what is seen and what remains veiled between the look and the thought, between the opening and the confinement of the perceptual field”, explains Marisa Flórido César, obstinate curator and researcher of the artist's work.

See, below, some of the highlights of the exhibition:

Immerse yourself in the Image

In this work, the image of a swimmer in mid-air is photo-screen printed onto a glass brick wall. On the floor, an abyss of water awaits the dip in the promised reflection. Ana Vitória has been using glass bricks since the 1990 when realizing, for all, proximity both with the TV monitor and with the transparency of the negatives and the frozen water surface. Layers of glass that distort the image according to the movement of our bodies.

Bang! (video art) 

The only caption that appears in Bang alert: we are in the suspension of the “not yet” that precedes the fuse of the gun, the camera click, the outbreak of the tragic event: to war. A second so suffocating it seems to stretch to Eternity.

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In Bang, Ana Vitória Mussi shows scenes of urban guerrilla warfare in the hills of Rio de Janeiro. The occupations of the Pacifying Police Units of Rio de Janeiro (broadcast live and photographed from television) are interspersed with scenes from seven World War II films and documentaries, to the sound of the song “Bang Bang (My baby shot me down)” which makes up the soundtrack of the film Kill Bill I (2003/2004), by Quentin Tarantino.

Ana Vitória interrupts the narrative flow and temporal continuum of film and TV images through photography, edits and assembles them into singular associations: the jump of the olympic athlete from Leni Riefenstahl's documentary and the flight of fighter planes (the almost gods and their downfalls); the complex game of directing and triangulating looks (of individuals and the indistinct mass) with war machines and image machines (from binoculars to photography and cell phones); the softness and redemption of love in times of insane brutality.

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About Lume Gallery

Galeria Lume was founded in 2011 with the proposal to encourage the development of contemporary creative processes alongside its guest artists and curators. Directed by Paulo Kassab Jr.. and Victoria Zuffo, Lume is dedicated to breaking boundaries between different disciplines and languages, through a unique and audacious model that reinforces São Paulo's role as a cultural hub and city in frank creative effervescence.

The gallery represents a select group of established and emerging artists., dedicated to the introduction of art in all its media, aimed at national and international audiences, through a plural exhibition program associated with ideas that inspire and drive the discussion of the spirit of the times. It also focuses on the dialogue between the production of its artists and institutions, relevant museums and collections.

The gallery's active and organic presence on the circuit results in the dissemination of its proposals among the most important art fairs today., in addition to integrating and monitoring alternative fairs. The gallery invests in the production of publications by its artists and in the creation of material for research and recording.. Likewise, Lume is available as a space for reflection and discussion. receive lectures, performances, seminars and artistic presentations of different nature.


Lurking | Ana Victoria Mussi
Curatorial text: Paulo Kassab Jr..
Local: World Gallery, exhibition hall I
Opening: 11 February, from 11:00 to 5:00 pm
Exhibition period: 11 of February to 18 March 2023
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday, from 10h to 19h, it is Saturday, from 11:00 to 3:00 pm
Address: Gumercindo Saraiva street, 54 – Jardim Europa, São Paulo – SP
Free entrance
Information for the public: Tel.: (55) 11 4883-0351 /

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