Fungi and snails make up a work about new futures

Bruno Ferreira and Eva Castiel project life after climate change in the free show A trama do limo; exposure activates the senses to expose resilience, renewal and union


Little by little, climate change transforms the planet into an unsuitable place for life. The exhibition “The slime plot”, by Bruno Ferreira and Eva Castiel, looks at the ongoing environmental collapse, the profound changes in the way of inhabiting the Earth and the new futures.

Through the cultivation of living beings, like fungi and snails, São Paulo artists show that resilience, regeneration and union are key points in projected realities. The shows instigates the senses, is free and will be displayed until 29 January at the Mario de Andrade Library, in São Paulo.

The installation refers to a surreal scene. From a hole in the ceiling hangs a large, amorphous mass of damp earth., supported by yellow straps. Dele, sparse fungi are born, while, on the ground, automaton snails roam in an unusual way, making a metallic sound.


“Fungi are among the rare beings that have the ability to transform dead matter into living matter.. Go against destruction, of natural catastrophes and deforestation that grow at a vertiginous rate. They insist on sprouting from the slime of the earth, nurturing soils and partner species, through an extensive underground network”, says Bruno Ferreira.

The exhibition's title — “The slime plot” — refers to this complex web of communication and interdependence, intrinsic to humans as well.

Beneath the great clod of fertile land, automaton snails evoke the image of slowness, of what takes time to happen and that contemporary life insists on erasing. They are beings that carry their own house on their backs and that, in the field of art history, have a surreal and magical character. According to curator Mariana Leme, the work brings an urgency to imagine new futures for human and non-human beings.

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The smell of suspended earth is spread throughout the environment, awakens the sense of smell and generates estrangement. Combined with the movement and colors of the living work, invites the public to rethink nature as an idyllic place, static, or that it exists only to satisfy human wants.

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“The presence of living matter is rare in conservation institutions, such as libraries and museums, because they represent an imminent risk of contamination, of deterioration and transformation. So that now, in this case, was released for being a fundamental composition element to bring reflection on the activity of human beings in the world”, says Eve Castiel.

Eva Castiel promotes meeting of generations

Artists from different generations, Eva Castiel and Bruno Ferreira collaborate for the second time in an exhibition. From the interest in the use of organic forms was born “gap”, in which they presented a large-scale installation consisting of a set of vortices inside glass cups filled with water, in addition to mountains of plaster and a sound program, in 2021, the Cultural Workshop Oswald de Andrade.

Eva Castiel is from São Paulo, began his career in the years 1980 and works with installations, video and public art. Throughout his career he has collaborated with other artists and participated in groups — like Armored House, which integrated from 2000 to 2006. From this openness to collective creation and exchanges with emerging young people, the partnership with Bruno Ferreira emerged, exponent artist born in the interior of São Paulo, that develops works in painting and sculpture.


The slime plot
Artists: Eva Castiel and Bruno Ferreira
Curated By: Mariana Leme
Where: Mário de Andrade library, r. of Consolation 94, Republic, São Paulo
When: 12 th November of 2022 to 29 January 2023
Time: Mon. a sex., das 9h às 21h. Saturdays and Sundays from 9am to 6pm

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