9/10, às 17h – Debate on museums:
Situation and prospects of museums in Brazil
10/10, às 17h – Art collectives who exercised activities between the years 1980 and 2000
Rating: Free
The Art Museum of the river-SEA, under the Institute's management Odeon, will promote two activities Forum #MARaberto. On 9 October (Tuesday), às 17h, the debate will be about the situation and perspectives of museums in Brazil. Using hook as the Fire National Museum, MAR will gather Lia Calabria, Mario Chagas, Paulo Miyada and Renata Menezes to talk about the situation of museum institutions in Brazil, under the mediation of the cultural director of SEA, Evandro Salles.
Already on Wednesday (10), às 17h, the #MARaberto receives participants of collective art Wonderful Atrocities (Alexandre Vogler and Guga Ferraz), group A (hope Guerra), The Moreninha (Ricardo Basbaum) Peripheral and Imaginary (Ronald Duarte). Artists groups, who exercised activities between the years 1980 and 2000, They share their experiences with the public.
side project exposure “Art Democracy Utopia – Who does not fight's dead”, the #MARaberto is a thought forum as a meeting place, discussion and occupation, located in the museum stilts. The idea is to trigger links between Art, Culture, society and politics, generating experiments, meetings, essays, workshops, performances, soirées and whatever else is possible. In addition to the program proposed by the museum, MAR also calls social movements, and collective initiatives of other formats. The selection takes place according to the logistics relevance and conceptual design and registration take place through the website www.museudeartedorio.org.br.
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The Art Museum of the river-SEA
The sea is managed by the Odeon, a social organization of culture, selected by the Rio de Janeiro City Hall for public notice. The museum has the Globo Group as maintainer and Vale as exhibition co-sponsor through the Cultural Incentive Law (Law Rouanet). The BMA supports the exhibition also through the Rouanet Law.
The School of the Look is sponsored by City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Dataprev, TNA, In Press and BNY Mellon through the Municipal Law of Cultural Incentive – Lei do Iss. Aliansce supports educational visits – SEA departed via Rouanet Law. Green supports the training program with Teachers Look School via Rouanet Law. Vivo sponsors the culture program SEA Music 2018 via State Law for Cultural Incentive. The Sea also has the support of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and implementation of the Ministry of culture and the Federal Government of Brazil through the Federal law of incentive to culture.