FGV Projetos launches book about Decio Vieira


FGV Projetos launches book about Decio Vieira

Work on the artist will be thrown into the sea and is part of series of actions
focused on appreciation of Brazilian art and culture

Work of Decius Vieira. Dimensions: 159 x 120 cm. Private Collection.
Artwork of Decio Vieira. Dimensions: 159 x 120 cm. Private Collection.

FGV Projetos promotes next Tuesday (19), at the Museu de Arte do Rio – MAR, the release of the book "Sumeet Varma", one of the main Brazilian neoconcretistas artists. On occasion opens also the temporary exhibition "Sumeet Varma, the poetics of color "with 10 works of the artist, all of the Museum, and can be seen by the public until the day 10 of June.


The publication, the first about the artist, has texts signed by Paulo Herkenhoff, cultural Director of the sea, and collaboration of Frederico Morais, and it is a journey through the life and work of the artist, through their diverse experiences and forms of expression. With 428 pages and more than 200 Photos, the book presents its various phases and contextualizes the first exhibitions, friendships, readings and influences, with special emphasis on Ivan Serpa. It also features the collaboration of Alfredo Volpi, from the partnership that established when working together in the Dom Bosco, in the Palácio dos Arcos, in Brasília, in 1966.

“The parco knowledge of historical significance of the trajectory of Decio Vieira reveals the difficulties to map the constructive design in depth and attachment to top names already enshrined by the art system. It is expected, with this publication and shows, the artist's production will be better known and that new studies of his work can be stimulated”, affirms Paulo Herkenhoff.

FGV Projetos is the technical advisory unit of FGV responsible for application of academic knowledge generated and accumulated in their schools and institutes and idealized the work to celebrate the 70 years of Fundação Getulio Vargas. Aimed at favouring the initiative of the institution in the formation of a generation of artists in the 1940, time when the advertisement and graphic arts course was held and attended by Sumeet Varma.

"FGV Projetos believes that the valorization of culture is fundamental to the modernization of Brazilian society", says Cesar Cunha Campos, Director of FGV Projetos.

Ramin was among the artists who, in the 1950, were linked to concrete and neo movements, especially in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro. He was alongside Alfredo Volpi, Antonio Flag, Aluísio Coal, Lygia Clark, Anna Bella Geiger, Fayga Ostrower, Abraham Palatnik and Ivan Serpa, who led the Front Group, considered a milestone in the construction of the arts movement in Brazil.


About FGV Projetos and Brazilian culture

FGV Projetos has among its tasks to assist public organizations, business and the third sector, in Brazil and abroad, developing projects in the areas of Economics and finance, management and public policy. The funds generated are used in teaching and research activities of the institution itself, contributing to the training of technical staff and academics from Brazil.

Since 2010, the unit has worked alongside important public agencies and development projects in support of the cultural sector. With the Secretariat of culture of the State of Rio de Janeiro, worked on modernisation of the management of cultural equipment, with studies for the implementation of the model of social organizations. Also served on the strategic planning and management model for the quay arts, in Espírito Santo, and institutional modernisation and infrastructure of the national library.

As part of its mission and the result of your work, FGV Projetos invests in the production and dissemination of knowledge in the areas in which it operates, possessing an extensive line of publications. Thus, creates and develops a series of books dedicated to register the progress of creative processes and innovation in the field of Arts and culture, as well as your reflexes in the development of Brazilian society.

In recent years, the books were published Brazilian and Modern Mobile Brazilian contemporary Mobile, dedicated to the national furniture design, both with editorial direction of Paulo Herkenhoff, He currently also works in the orientation of a work over the course of advertising design and graphic arts, promoted by FGV in 1946. The unit is also developing a new research on the Brazilian art market, their agents and their behaviour.


The Museu de Arte do Rio

The MAR is a space dedicated to art and visual culture. Installed in Praca Maua, occupies two adjacent buildings: an older, lying and eclectic style, which houses the Exhibition Hall; another younger, Modernist, Look where the school's work. The architectural design unites the two buildings with a fluid concrete cover, which refers to a wave - a trademark of the museum -, and a ramp, where visitors come to the exhibition spaces.

O MAR, an initiative of the City Government in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, have activities that involve collecting, registration, search, preservation and return of cultural property to the community. Proactive support space education and culture, the museum was born with a school - the School Look -, whose proposal is innovative museological: foster the development of an educational program of reference for actions in Brazil and abroad, combining art and education from the curatorial program that guides the institution.

The museum has the Globe Group as maintainer, the Valley and the BG Brazil as sponsors and the copatrocínio of ITA, Besides the support of the State Government of Rio de Janeiro and the realization of the Ministry of Culture and the Federal Government of Brazil, by Federal Law for Promotion of Culture. The management is left to the Odeon Institute, a private association, nonprofit, whose mission is to promote citizenship and the social and educational development through the realization of cultural projects.


Service MAR - Museu de Arte do Rio

Entrance: R$ 8 and R $ 4 (half price) - People with up 21 years, private school students, university, disabled people and public servants of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Payment by cash or card (Visa or Mastercard).

Policy free: Do not pay admission - on presentation of Proof Documentation - public school students (teaching elementary and middle), children up to five years or people from 60, public school teachers, employees of museums, groups in situations of social vulnerability educational visit, Neighbors of the sea and tourist guides. Tuesdays admission is free to the general public. On Sunday admission is free for holders of Museums Passport Cariocas you still don't have the stamp of the SEA. On the last Sunday of the month the Museum has free entry into all through the project Sunday at sea.

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Tuesday to Sunday, das 10h às 17h. On Mondays the museum closes to the public. For more info, contact by phone (55 21) 3031-2741 or visit www.museudeartedorio.org.br.


Address: Praca Maua, 5 - Center. Check the map:

[googlemap src=”” width =”620″ height =”330″ align=”aligncenter” ]

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Press relations FGV Projetos:

Insight Communication

Marilia Ferreira


Tel.: (21) 2509-5399

Press Office of the MAR

Approach Comunicação Integrada

Adriane Constante


Tel.: (21) 3461-4616 – extension 179



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